Massachusetts Climate Change Apparatchik Says the Quiet Part Out Loud.

It’s instructive when a bureaucrat says, “I can’t even say this publicly.” That is exactly the sort of thing that the people who pay his salary (you folks) need to hear. So, it’s lucky for us it was recorded so that we can share it.

Related: Report Says TCI Gas Tax Hike Could Be 53% Higher Than Advertised

“The video shows David Ismay, Gov. Charlie Baker’s undersecretary for climate change, telling Vermont climate advocates that it’s time to go after homeowners and motorists to help reduce emissions.”

On the subject of driving regressive regulations down on taxpayers, he says, “There’s no single bad guy to put the screws to…to break their will, so they stop emitting.” He’s talking about you, everyday citizen. You are the target.

Ismay is in the Peter Brady square (Middle right).

There’s a lot of head nodding in the affirmative while this guy speaks, and why not. He makes 130,000.00 a year to find ways to “put the screws to you™” to appease the climate cult. And he meets with folks to talk about ways to do that.

According to the Boston Herald, Charlie Baker has walked away from his remarks saying, “no one who works in our administration should ever say or think anything like that — ever,” [and] “Secondly, Secretary Theoharides is going to have a conversation with him about that.”

I can hear that conversation from here. “Do not say the quiet part out loud,” because while no one should say or think it, doing it is a policy priority.

Baker has spent the past year trying to accelerate his state’s embrace of the Transportation Climate initiative. If you watched the video, you’d know that the climate apparatchik is hot to “put the screws” to people with higher gasoline prices. It’s for their own good.

TCI also passes responsibility to a distant commission. No local accountability after its cold embrace.

And Governor Baker has publicly said the other quiet part out loud. They need the revenue that this higher gas tax could provide. Not just to pay the salaries of a State Climate Change Secretary, Undersecretary, their staff, offices, heat, benefits, and yes, transportation costs., but for “roads and bridges.”

That’s code. It’s like “for the children.” It means politically connected people milking taxpayers to keep their corrupt operation’s head above the overspending water.

That is, after all, the only rising “tide” that needs to concern anyone.

Budgets get bigger, but the roads never get any better (they get worse). The children never get any smarter. But the fat-cat government gets fatter, no matter what, until taxpayers get tired of the abuse from this co-dependent relationship, it doesn’t end.

Especially in Massachusetts, where they’ve been putting the screws to you for years. And they are so good at it that people who flee the state to escape it vote for the same dang thing in states like New Hampshire.

Talk about something that needs to stop.

Here’s another video for you to check out for some contrast.

“For you to think you can actually control what happens on the planet means you have an ego incommensurate with your knowledge.”


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