Let’s Go Nuclear

We hear those on the Left admonishing us frequently to “follow the science”. We hear it regarding global warming (very much debated), homeopathy medicine (the debunked theory that ultra-small doses of poisonous substances are actually healthy), men can get pregnant and give birth, there are multiple genders and other such nonsense then push us to “go green”. Well given all that, their credibility is just not all that healthy. Want to really reduce greenhouse gasses, why not go Nuclear?

For fifty-some years the liberal Left has fought tooth and nail against the cleanest, safest form of energy production thus far invented. (talk about consistently inconsistent!) Nuclear energy production creates zero greenhouse gasses, its waste is 20 to 30 tons per year (mostly recyclable and by weight, about that of nine American families’ households of trash). So about safety; that household trash gets disposed of in incinerators, landfills, or dumped into the sea. Smoke from incinerators fills the air with not only C02  but with particular matter just like coal does. Landfills can leach into groundwater and also produce CO2 as it decomposes, Dumping into the ocean harms sea life and bird life, and makes beaches very unattractive.  All of it pollutes.

The environmentalists’ solution? Recycling (a tiny percentage)  is very inefficient and costly, solar and wing, are probably the least efficient and costly approaches and their manufacturing produces massive greenhouse gasses. If you refuse to support this approach, you are a science denier. Right, but they are the champions of the world’s effort to “save the planet”?

Time is not on our side they contend, we’re at the tipping point so they pronounce. Seems to me we were at that tipping point back in 2012 when the Arctic Ocean was scheduled to become ice-free, tundra across the sub artic was to melt releasing millions of tons of methane gas into the air making it unbreathable for humans, sea coast cities would be underwater, the Southern U.S. a desert and palm trees would be growing here in NH. So far, no palm trees and Manchester NH is not a seaport unless I missed the news.

Their record for accuracy leaves no doubt they can’t accurately predict much of anything based on their scientific models so where do they get off calling we doubters names? Forcing the government to spend trillions of taxpayer money over the past five decades to fight this bogus alarm needs to be recognized for what it is: pure waste and must be stopped.

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