Data Point – So, You Believe China When Xi Says Their Emissions are Going to go Down?

by Skip

If you Believe China when Xi says their emissions are going to go down I’ve got bridges to sell you and places where land and water intermix (kinda smelly, though, with things there that might want to eat you).



I still haven’t figured out where the Left (and many on the Right) got the idea that if they make nice with China, China will play ball and play well with others.

No, just like those places where land and water intermix, China wants to eat you TOO! China is Communist – as part of the Left (defined where the State overrides and is preeminent over Individuals), it lies. Morality is of no concern – only the obtaining and holding of Power is.

So they lie about their emissions. And will continue to do so. They don’t care – they know their subjects want better standards of living or they will get angry. Them getting angry means a potential loss of Power – so rev up those smokestacks, they will so as to keep that Power.

Lesson? The West are idiots. And China is smiling.

They do have that demographic problem, though, of a rapidly aging population due to their forced idiotic One Child policy.

Oh, don’t they sound like what OUR Left is doing as well?

(H/T: Daily Wire)

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