After all, after years of commenting over at Treehugger, that was the normal response. Anyone not going along with the 1.5-degree lifestyle to save GAIA was a self-centered climate denier who is so selfish as to doom everyone to a fiery Hell on Earth. Thus, showing us that they hated themselves almost as badly as they do Normal people by rebuking modern lifestyles.
And China now responds with “Chumps – you really believed us? Hahahahaha!”. They only nebulously said “We’ll start lowering our carbon emissions somewhere twenty years down the line” and the West took it to heart TRUSTING that they do so. Stockholm Syndrome like, they ignored that China is a developed nation, second largest GDP, and pumping out a new coal-fired electrical generation plant weekly. Yet, all these Eco-Socialists, desiring to strip the rest of us of our Freedom (as this is all about who controls our choices – us or Government of which they have firm control right now) and energy usage, don’t have stars in their eyes but Chinese solar panels.
I’m wondering how much therapy they’re making appointments for (reformatted, emphasis mine): China has abandoned the Paris climate agreements.
China Abandons the Paris Climate Agreements; America Should Be so Lucky
… Now, in a move that should come as a surprise to no one, China has abandoned the Paris climate agreements.
It was a bad week for anyone who thought China would cooperate on emissions reduction. President Xi Jinping reiterated that his country would set its own path on the issue and not be influenced by outside factors, according to the Washington Post and Bloomberg. This contradicts Xi’s 2015 Paris Agreement pledges to reduce its carbon emissions at the latest after 2030.
Xi’s remarks came while climate envoy and former secretary of state John Kerry was visiting Beijing to reopen a dialogue. This was shortly after Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived, and just before former secretary of state Henry Kissinger, the architect of opening China to the West 50 years ago, came for a visit.
Bait and Switch. Same tactic, different issue. The Communist Chinese did this with Britain over Hong Kong in agreeing that if Britain “returned” their colony, the ChiComs would honor their agreement to allow Hong Kong to rule itself and, pretty much, leave it alone. We all know how well that worked out. Again, the West said “we’ll trust you and make that agreement” while it steals our intellectual property, puts its own Police on OUR sovereign soil, buying up our farmland, manipulates its currency against the Dollar, and intimidates its neighbors and takes their lands. And still, the West’s “intellectual elites” keep wanting to do business with Xi?
Xi: “Silly people – you ARE that stupid.
And in this, got all the Western nations to eviscerate their energy usage, reliability, and supplies while China keeps on making big smoke signals from their coal plants. And now, it’s clear it was all a con but the people that have gotten rooked are we, the people. Our “rulers”, who turned out to be so gullible, are morons. Can I start the naming with John Kerry (aka “Lurch) who does the Pollution Two-Step in a year more than I’ll make in my lifetime?
I almost never say this, but this time, the Chinese are right. And it puts the Western nations, which still adhere to the Paris Agreement, in an awkward spot. Why? Because, if it’s carbon emissions you’re worried about, there can be no reduction without China (and India) on board. Here’s what Xi had to say:
“Based on China’s energy and resource endowments, we will advance initiatives to reach peak carbon emissions in a well-planned and phased way, in line with the principle of getting the new before discarding the old,” he announced in an address to the Communist Party Congress, as reported by Time.
Xi’s remarks should resound in the halls of the Environmental Protection Agency, which is planning to impose billions of dollars of costs on Americans to reduce U.S. emissions. China has repeatedly stated that it has no intention of going along with the Western push to net-zero.
Even as the West are prostrating themselves energy-wise (enfeebling us all to do their own Virtue-Signaling preening with the Davos people who will NEVER suffer the impoverishness being wreacked upon us), Xi is doing “China First”. And, I will admit, as he should be. Meanwhile, OUR leaders, especially Biden, are implementing America Last. It’s clear that they believe we are guilty of some sin and, in their climate theology, are handing out penitences to be carried out as they lead us to our collective energy purgatory.
(HT: RedState)