The Eco-Socialists That Are Trying to Horn Us Into Unaffordable EVs … Won’t Tell You This

by Skip

“New cars compared to 1970 vehicle models: 99% cleaner for common pollutants. New trucks compared to 1970 vehicle models: 99% cleaner for common pollutants. So why are the climate change fanatics trying to force us to buy EVs?”

Vehicle emissions vs miles traveled Climate Depot

And rarely will they acknowledge that there is no such thing as a “no emission” vehicle – it takes emissions to make them, emissions to transport them, and even MORE, emissions to charge them. Saying that there are no “tailpipe emissions” is merely a marketing ploy and a distraction for those that are ignorant of what is going on under their hoods and out of the mouths of those FORCING us to get rid of our current cars.

Too expensive for the regular folks, and just one person can flip your electricity off and keep you from “fueling” your batteries – it’s all just another tool for control.


Stephen Moore | Climate Depot

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