Economics is all about the study of scarcity and tradeoffs of which there are many. We know this because prices for different products are all different. Just because someone wants something doesn’t mean that it HAS to be available to them at their desired price point.
Notable Quote – You May Be Overqualified but Not Underpaid
we as a Society are seemingly about the complaining but not about the doing: “SOMEBODY’S GOTTA DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!!!”
Looking for the Advantages in an Open Border Policy
A question for readers if I may. What advantage to or for American workers or American people, in general, does the current open borders policy provide?
TreeHugger Letting the Mask Drop – Are You a Subject or a Citizen?
I spent a lot of my time today playing chauffeur to TMEW (she drives very little nowadays) and the Grandson (at 5 yo, wants to but…). Far more than I expected. The rest of the time, I discovered that after a period of relatively non-controversial posts, TreeHugger had taken a hard left-hand turn.
Josiah Bartlett: Low Labor Force Participation Holds Back NH Economy
As a few lawmakers engaged in a publicity stunt last Saturday to press for a state-imposed $15 minimum wage, New Hampshire employers were raising wages and offering cash incentives in desperate efforts to attract workers.
Wind Farms: “Whose Gonna Clean up That Mess Down There!”
Bill Cosby, in a very old skit about Noah’s Ark, wanted to know (Noah wanted to know) who would be responsible for cleaning up all that animal poop in the bilges after 40 days and 40 nights while God unleashed the rains to cleanse a sinful world. Well, that applies to “renewables.”
Response to Natalie Kelly on ‘The Minimum Wage’ – You Are an Economic Illiterate, and Selfish
Natalie Kelly is holding her own employees as “wage hostages” because the State of NH won’t raise the minimum wage to $12/hour. Hey, if you are the owner, just raise your OWN employee’s wages – don’t wait for someone else to be that impetus for you.
Yeah, We’re Smart, WH Press Secretary Jen Psaki. You, on the Other Hand…
I just got through posting how taxes on companies are just a cost of doing business that gets passed on to consumers. That Progressives who believe otherwise are out to lunch. So, great timing, Jen Psaki.
About Freedom…
Freedom is often talked about, praised, and glorified. We fight wars for freedom, sing songs about freedom, even our New Hampshire state motto pays homage to freedom, “Live free or die.” However, as I go about my duties as a Legislator and State Representative, I have serious concerns.
Warren Piece
Liz Warren is a piece of work, and sadly, for her, she can’t be in the Whoever is Running the Biden Administration (WRBA) Cabinet. As bad a Republican as Charlie Baker can be, if Warren departs for greener energy pastures and meetings in the West Wing, Baker will fill her Senate seat with a Republican if in name only – and Dems lose the Chamber.
Notable Quote – Slavery Laws finally met the Law of Economics
Of course, with many employers, each attempting to maximize wealth, competition for workers would soon force the wage up to a level at which it equalled the actual value of the worker’s labor services to the firm.
A President Biden Will Hold States Hostage
The Government uses the flu to shutter businesses, limit hours, and put people under house arrest. It then crafts massive bailout packages to “help” the people it harms. This relief is loaded with payoffs and bucket list items, and Biden is eyeing future bailouts as a way to advance his climate agenda.
Acceptance of Socialism Was Strong in India Long Before Indian Independence
Acceptance of socialism was strong in India long before Indian independence. Socialism was spurred by widespread resentment against British colonialism. That was in addition to ill-feeling for the land-owning princely class called the zamindars.
Israel Is Unique in the History of Socialism
Israel is unique in the history of socialism. It is the only nation where socialism was considered successful for a while. The original settlers of Israel came largely from Eastern Europe. They sought to create an economy in which market forces were controlled for the benefit of the whole society.
Notable Quote – Uncertainty Of Profit Should Trump “Social Issue”
This is a more scholarly definition contra the 1/2024th Indian Elizabeth Warren, who still holds that since “YOU DIDN’T BUILD THAT,” everyone else is entitled to the fruits of your labor including if all you do is sit on your ample posterior and whine.
Data Point – It is a V shaped recovery! CNN calls it “incomplete”
CNN just WISHES that the Biden-Obama years long recovery had looked like that. Of COURSE it’s “incomplete” but of COURSE, it’s like a rocket at liftoff (at least right now). What else would you think that the Never-Trumpers at CNN would say? Frankly, I am astounded that it is rising as fast as it is, … Read more
Laissez-Faire, Laissez-Passer Does Not Mean: Let the Evils Last. On the Contrary
Since Bruce Currie is always prattling on that Socialism/Communism/Govt control is far better than giving people the freedom to do innovate as they would like:
Intervention From the Heavens
Just when the Washington creatures were ready to spend another $3 trillion the lights came on. We don’t need the extension of weekly central government supplements to unemployment benefits. We need to go back to work. The economic data came forth showing Americans are getting back to work in record numbers.
Notable Quote – more “wise” men than this high school student need “wising up”
There are many newly “upraised” Bernie-Bro Socialists in positions of power that believe they can easily manage and control entire economies without the use of Totalitarianism.
“What Questions Should we Put to Politicians Itching to Intervene into the Economy?”
“I am a Libertarian because I learned economics.” I am a Conservatarian because of a line that Prof. Don Boudreaux mentions below that I first read, in a different form, in Robert Heinlein’s “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.”