Joe Biden youtube pistol brace rule

It is Never Too Late to Replace Joe Biden

Now that Joe has been publicly deemed unfit for testimony – making him unfit for office (which I think was deliberate) – the crat is out of the bag. Everyone can accept that the plan was to replace Joe before the November Election. It’s not a hard guess to make, honestly.

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The DNC Just Kicked Iowa in the ‘Caucus’

There was a time when Iowa attracted people and politicians who would show up and party like it was in 1959. The residents would then, after close to a year of this, gather in barns or local veterans halls (or wherever) and raise a hand for a candidate of their choice.

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DNC 2024 Chicago

Who Is Making These Insane Decisions

There is no argument that some of our bigger cities that used to be vacation and destination spots are now crime and drug-ridden hellholes that are destinations for the homeless. These are places where residents and businesses are escaping as quickly as possible, and local and state governments are at a loss for ways to reverse the trends.

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DNC 2024 Chicago

Businesses Leave Chicago To Make Room For DNC

There are many potential reasons for and sub-stories about the Democrat National Committee’s (DNC) decision to hold the 2024 Convention in the Homicide Capitol of the country. The DNC has named Chicago to host the convention that should start the reelection campaign of Joe Biden.

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NH FITN Plaque

Democrat National Committee – FITN Deniers!

by Skip

At least as far as the NH Democrat Party is concerned.  Steve and I had talked a bit about this on the phone early last evening; his post covers most of our conversation high points (and more) before the Democrat National Committee Rules Committee voted to adopt the 1) South Carolina, 2) + 3) NH … Read more

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