Rudderless Dems Look To The Middle?

The Democrats have a lot of problems… with Democrats. The genuinely bizarre factions in their party -those America rejected – demand they be “seen” but that’s bad if you want to win majorities. And pretending you will no longer appease them may not carry much weight (ask Kamala). It is such a conundrum that the current chair of the DNC has called it quits. He wants out as if he had much choice. The fifth of November was not so much a date as the bottle in which the Democrats drowned their sorrows.

Ugly hardly describes it, but they only have themselves to blame.

It is not normal to want to give hormone drugs to grade-school kids. Middle America isn’t on board with neutering them, either. They’d rather not be forced to pay for transgender prison surgery or (believe it or not) third-trimester abortions. And while a growing number are concerned about online speech, no one is volunteering to have their speech suppressed.

A short list, to be sure, because everyday America isn’t happy about the rise in crime, homelessness, the influx of third-world criminals, and the rapes and murders that follow. When they say housing crisis, they don’t mean it because the Venezuelan gang took them over and kicked people out. Spending us into inflation forever is not big, nor is bitching about price gouging when public education gets more expensive and less able to teach a kid to read. There are plenty of problems in the world, and making taxpayers fund tampons and pads in boys’ bathrooms doesn’t solve any of them.

Democrats are weird, and what may sound incredible to this audience is that some of them have noticed. JD Vance, for example, was not only not weird, but smart, articulate, and thoughtful. It became more than obvious that he would make a better president than what Democrats had at the top of their ticket.

Republicans, in general, are a lot more like everyone else in America than Democrats, but what to do about that? Wine-slurping cat ladies aren’t going to suggest they keep the things around as if it’s the progressive equivalent of prepping, not that prepping is the mainstream middle ground [but the thought occurred, and I couldn’t NOT share that]. How do you get a party that advocates porn-like pride parades and thinks boys should rob girls of victory in sports to appear moderate?

That will be the job of the next Chairman of the Democrat National Committee because the party is effectively leaderless. The Clintons are too old. The Obama blew it when they backed Kamala. Everyone else has publicly gone too far left to be a viable national candidate. The GOP will destroy them electorally the way they did Kamala, which leaves lesser-known blue state governors, most of whom have big blue baggage issues like illegal sanctuary and records, as executives that won’t play well across state lines.

And a lot of Democrats walked away. Whether that departure continues come 2026, and 2028 may depend a lot on selling Democrats as having been properly reprimanded back to the middle. Can they do that while the far-left rants about everything the Trump administration does? Can their media do anything to convince voters to abandon Republicans, especially if things get better? What possible message do they think will relate them with blue-collar America and the Middle Class they hate and tried to destroy?

It’s probably keeping them up at night. What if Trump vents a significant portion of the bureaucratic DC mother-ship into unemplyed sector space? Who will they hide behind? Certainly not women with shaved heads in struggle-sessions. And hating on Trump didn’t work and it’s all they have. That and some time in the wilderness.


  • Auntie Vaquser

    I was a Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier. Then I was a Browncoat fighting the tyranny of the Covidists and their Public Health Tyranny Alliance (Among other things). Now I'm just Auntie Vaquser.

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