The DNC Just Kicked Iowa in the ‘Caucus’

There was a time when Iowa attracted people and politicians who would show up and party like it was in 1959. The residents would then, after close to a year of this, gather in barns or local veterans halls (or wherever) and raise a hand for a candidate of their choice.

By the end of that day, each party would announce whom they’d prefer as a nominee for the office of the president of the United States (whether that was who they picked or not). I guess you could see why enthusiasm for what happens in Iowa has waned in recent years. Then, in 2020, it took days for the Lefties to decide which Democrat had won, which, to me, sounds like how every election works these days.

Am I wrong?

As it stands, Iowa has other issues that Democrats in Iowa, much like New Hampshire, failed or just refused to address. Their party’s obsession with color before content, for example. A trend we can only assume will evolve – as progressive things are wont to do – to punishing states that don’t leave the genderizer on full both day and night to crank out transvestite candidates or those who’ve had their private bits removed.  Men pretending to be women, and so on, who will claim to be suicidal if you don’t nominate them.

In due course, but Iowa has more problems today than it can handle.

Iowa used to be important to Democrats. Iowa has more corn than pigs, and corn begets ethanol, which begot an influential lobby about which the Electric Car bugaboo party could care less. Cars that don’t use motor fuels don’t need those fuels contaminated with ethanol from Iowa.

Corn can still find a home in cancer-causing sweeteners (High Fructose Corn Syrup) as well as regular corn syrup or corn oil, with some left for sale as corn—the vegetable. But if Dems don’t have any use for liquid fuel, what happens to the 52,000 jobs and 7.2 BIllion dollars ethanol generates (52% of the corn in Iowa ends up ethanol)?

That would be up to Republicans, who didn’t change their caucus. It’s January 15th. But what about those Democrats?


Iowa Democrats will be able to register to receive a presidential preference card in the mail starting November 1. Those cards will start being mailed out on January 12, 2024, and the last day to request one will be February 19. The state party will release results on March 5, which is also the last day that voters can mail their cards.

Iowa Democrats will also hold in-person caucuses on January 15, the same day that Iowa Republicans will gather, but those meetings only be used to conduct party business, not to vote for president.


Voting for the nominee is not party business. Not this time. The DNC has kicked Iowa Dems in their caucus, bumping the results from the front of the line to Super Tuesday. Sixteen live primaries plus reading off whoever the party wants to win Iowa. That’s like taking your State Party front man/woman/whatever and tossing them into the chorus where they don’t even get to perform. Someone reads some results compiled from mail-in cards, which, as we all know, are subject to fraud. Just ask Jimmy Carter or the rest of the Western World. No one else elects anyone like that becasue – and there is some consensus – it is not secure, and never shall it be.

As for Iowa Corn vs. the Dem’s EV future, sure, the price will collapse, but if that’s what ails you, sell it to poor countries who can’t grow anything on the land ruined by China’s monopoly on third-world rare earth metals mined to make battery packs for EV that don’t need ethanol – the motor fuel of a future with no fuel.

Or you can sell your land to a billionaire. He’ll leave it fallow until he can score a giant taxpayer-subsidized contract to cover it with wind turbines or solar panels that’ll make electricity that much more unaffordable, but the Iowans can then fight the illegals for “green jobs” swabbing the dirt of the solar arrays or picking up dead birds beneath the unrecyclable but environmentally conscious “windmills.”

Who knows. One day, not long-form now, when Iowa has been transformed by the progressive utopians into a green energy parking lot, the Democrats will put you back at the front of the line. You can be the first state to pretend you get to pick the Democrat nominee for president, which, if we’re honest, is what you’ve been doing.

Hey, is the postage prepaid on those presidential preference cards or do you have to pay for that too?



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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