Forget cat videos, the internet is flooding with public comment delivered to the local school board. And there’s a theme. The Education Industrial Complex has been naughty, and needs a paddle to the rhetorical fanny with the “Board of Education.”
Our Enemy Is the Ideology of the Totalitarian Left.
This is the time for freedom-loving people to coalesce around principles upon which we can all agree. This may be America’s only hope of survival. The ground isn’t going away any time soon but America’s first principles are. Just as we did in the Cold War era we need a broader coalition. We have a common foe.
Why Do You Take Such Steps Unless You Have Something to Hide
The CCP has denied the WHO access to investigate the source of the virus. Whether its origin was accidental or intentional, the information would be helpful in preventing and sourcing potential treats. Why do you take such steps unless you have something to hide?
Left Loses Hive Mind Over “Unscientific” Snap Poll Showing Trump Won Debate 74-24
In a post-debate poll the results were, well, according to the Washington Post, reliable polls say Biden won. You mean reliable like the Washington Post (WP) because that’s been proven false by independent fact-checkers.
The Entire Next Presidential Debate Should be About Hunter Biden and China
The next debate was going to be about the Economy and Foreign Policy, but Joe Biden doesn’t know or remember those things. He forgets. So, we’re getting Global Warming and some other Bull he can remember, which I think needs to change a third time. The entire next debate should be about Hunter Biden.
I Guess This Might Explain Trying to Debate With Bernie-Bros
At least he shows up, and once in a while, there is agreement. But just like in my latest argument with him over “Whose money is it” (e.g., Socialists seem to believe that ALL the money belongs to Government, right Bruce?), there’s nothing there from the other side.
Debate Discussion with Liz Gabert and then Guest Cassie Smedlle from the RNC
Liz Gabert was kind enough to invite me on again this month to talk about Trump’s taxes (how it looks bad for the left), the broken Jennifer Horn (who still can’t get her facts ‘right’), and mostly, the first Presidential Debate. Our phone-in guest this time around is Cassie Smeddle from the RNC. Jump to … Read more
On the Radio with Liz Gabert – September Edition Podcast
Another Wednesday at the end of the month and another episode of Life with Liz completed. It’s all politics when I’m the co-host, and today we talked about the debate, Trump’s Taxes, Jennifer Horn, and did I mention the debate?
Biden Debate Accomplishment: Wrecks His Party’s Narrative About the Dignity of the Office
When President Trump nominated Amy Coney Barrett to be the next Justice on our Highest Court, he wrecked a Lefty narrative. That women need abortion to protect their careers or their future. Last night Job Biden wrecked another narrative. That America needed Joe Biden to bring dignity back to the office of the President.
Joe Biden is on the Campaign Trail … Should we Teach Islam in School?
Joe Biden is on the campaign made a campaign speech designed to attract Muslim votes. On July 20, 2020 during an online event hosted by Emgage Action, he said he thinks Islam should be taught in the school system.
So Much for NH CD-1 Being the Polite Race
A few months back, I was at a candidate forum. There were hundreds of people, few, if any, wearing masks, and none got the COVID. Two of the candidates who spoke were Matt and Matt, Mowers and Mayberry, and they told us this would be a cordial primary. With two days to go, the gloves are off.
The Head of a VOTER Organization Doesn’t Trust Voters to Decide.
The Union Leader has a piece on a Constitutional Amendment that died years ago: the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment). The long and short of it is that didn’t pass within the time period set by Congress.
Tucker Carlson is Right about the Unwillingness of the Left to Engage in Debate
I never had much use for Carlson early in his career but started to pay half attention when his show started. Why? Liberals would come on his show expecting to steamroll him and found themselves getting eviscerated in the space of seconds by asking them simple (but foundational) questions about what they were spewing.
Dem Foreign Policy – Taking Out Bad Guys is a Bad Idea
New Hampshire hosted a Democrat debate last night. While we try to figure out how to get rid of the smell, consider this. One of the questions regarded Qasem Soleimani and if they would have “taken him out.”
Bernie Sanders: A Woman Can’t Win the Presidency
Could this make tonight’s debate more interesting? The Warren camp claims that in a meeting back in November of 2018, Bernie told Liz he did not think a woman could be president.
No People of Color Made the Cut so White-Guilt Dems ask DNC for Debate Affirmative Action
None of my ancestors owned black slaves. They weren’t even on the continent when many thousand died in a war that ultimately freed them. I’m not up for reparations, white guilt, or affirmative actions. I’m more an MLK content over color (or anything else), guy. Democrats, not so much.
Shouldn’t a Debate Impart Information to the Audience?
We had a national debate with the Democrat candidates for president. Shouldn’t a debate impart information to the audience? Shouldn’t it be more than a chance to up the name recognition by having a moderator call your name repeatedly on national TV?
No One is Taking Mayor Pete Seriously
Recent Polls show candidate South-Bend-It like Pete Buttigieg as the first clown out of the car in Iowa and New Hampshire. Neither poll is vast or conclusive, and reporting from last night’s debate suggests none of the other clowns view him as a threat.
Really, Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig? YOU posted your “beauty mark” video, I merely comment on it, and I’M sexist?
…blaming someone else for their own mistake and willingness to NOT OWN UP TO IT. This really is hilarious – and I bet that the Mayor Craig campaign decided to make the bet that no one actually WATCHED either video (or WMUR running it). Well, leave it to them to try to fund raise off … Read more
4 Tips for students to win a debate
Debating is a deeply enjoyable topic on its own and for its own sake. If you’re naturally inclined to like discussions and taking ideas and critiquing them in a logical manner you will like debating. Also, if you’re inclined toward a career in politics or law, then you most probably will find debating to be a deeply enjoyable activity.