Camp Constitution Founding painting

How Do You Ban Something Constitutional?

In the comments of a recent post on attempts to ban guns at polling places, a reader asked what seems like a pretty simple question:  How can one ban something that is constitutional? Here’s the short answer to that:  You ban it, let people bitch while they get used to it, and then move on … Read more


Making the Government Live By the Same Rules as Everyone Else

Words from years ago yet with an impact. Sorrowfully, they are needed as we, as an American Society, are hanging over that precipice of the proverbial tipping point: “Who is serving who?” We CALL them elected Representatives, but who do they really serve? Emphasis mine: “Mr. Speaker, I was sent here not to make Government … Read more

George Washington

America’s First Thanksgiving Proclamation Was About The Constitution — And Not Everyone Liked It

When the first Congress met at Federal Hall in New York City in 1789, there were three days in September that saw a telling sequence of events. On Thursday, Sept. 24, the House of Representatives finalized the language for what the states would later ratify as the First Amendment to the Constitution. The first part of this amendment declared: “Congress shall … Read more

Constitution American states

Make America States Again

From a vantage point of long years, now reaching 88, I believe the key to MAGA achievement is to: “MAKE AMERICA STATES AGAIN (MASA).” Our Constitutional Republic structure, called Federalism“was wisely summed up by James Madison : Powers of federal government are few and defined, the states have unlimited powers. We see this trend of … Read more

Camp Constitution Founding painting

Presidential Actions to Uphold the Constitution

It’s time to walk the walk when it comes to the oath to the Constitution, which is currently treated more like an optional guide

The Origins of Election Law

This article is the first of a series exploring the history and evolution of election law, leading up to what promises to be the most pivotal election of our lifetime. The Articles of Confederation, adopted in 1781, were a written agreement establishing a loose confederation of sovereign states, with each colony retaining its independence and … Read more

NH Constitution

Are You Voting “Political Party” or “Constitution”?

“Winning is merely a precursor; what is of most importance is what happens afterward.” In my early years, I voted for a Party’s candidates based on their Platform. Later, in mid-life, I learned that while the Platform should be the Standard of Measure/Quality Assurance document, I had learned through a rude experience to shift my voting focus. … Read more

Presidential Instability

All countries seek and require stability so that the people gain a sense of reliance in knowing that laws will be enforced and order preserved. This essential of society was addressed when our Forefathers met to revise the Articles of Confederation. Since then, our Constitution has become the subject of revision and interpretation by those … Read more

gun rifle firearm

America has a gun problem

The recent attempt on the life of Donald Trump shows that America has a gun problem, and we can’t avoid dealing with it any longer. The problem is that the government has guns, which it is willing to use to allow whatever temporary majority holds power to exert nearly total control over everyone else. Why … Read more

Independence Day

On the Fourth of July we celebrate the day upon which the members of the Continental Congress signed The Declaration of Independence. In fact, independence in New Hampshire began six months earlier January 5, 1776, when our Legislature issued our first Constitution, thus creating the first independent State, established by a written Constitution, and without a king, in which the people ruled through their elected Representatives.

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Rights, or Permissions?

People who think that cannabis should not be legal in New Hampshire are fond of quoting the governor of Virginia’s statement justifying his veto of a legalization bill in his state.

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White House Photo by Michael Schofield on Unsplash

Doubtful At Best

Americans have been very lax with their Blessings. In a country that offers so much, how is it that we take it all for granted without caring to ensure its operational integrity? No wonder that today, we are on the precipice of joining the rest of the third-world inhabitants!

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American flag america

Night Cap: The Reality is, ‘We the People’ Live in a Fantasy World

The reality is that We, the People, live in a fantasy world and are under the assumption that everything will be all right. But it won’t be. Individual Americans are often outmanned and outgunned by the powerful globalists who are in charge. Lone Rangers win only in make-believe movies.

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US Capitol - caution Original Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

Bold and Unscrupulous

In the 1970s, the moral wit of Tom Anderson precisely describes today’s rush toward economic suicide in Washington, DC: “Changing Nelson Rockefeller for Hubert Humphrey is like changing the pins on a soiled diaper without changing the diaper; you continue to get the same mess.”

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Baseball Ball park Photo by Jake Weirick on Unsplash

Our Courts Should Learn From Our Sports

Ambidextrous by birth, professional baseball player Pat Venditte was able to pitch about equally well with either hand.

And he had a special six-fingered glove that he could use to catch with using either hand.

This gave him an advantage in that he could switch his pitching hand depending on the handedness of whatever hitter he was facing.

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Another Desperate Gambit by Democrats

We like to think of judges as learned arbiters, thoroughly knowledgeable in the finer details of the law and, above all, eminently honest and fair – nonpartisan and unbiased. That’s especially true of Supreme Court justices.

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biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow

As promised on Wednesday, I have an overflow.

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biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Monday Memes on Wednesday

Hope everyone that celebrates it had a good Christmas!

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biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Understand that I do get a fair number of repeats, and some that don’t “grab” me as well.  However, please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

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biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Meme Overflow

As promised in Monday Memes, here is the overflow.  And the overflow-overflow expected on Friday should happen too!

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