Meme Overflow

As promised in Monday Memes, here is the overflow.  And the overflow-overflow expected on Friday should happen too!

Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



And if Israel is an interest, please do check out my Israel-focused post from yesterday.










Very true, sadly.  Remember this video:






How can this be exploited, whether on Israel specifically, or more generally in fighting the ideology of jihad in general?





It’s the ones that DO think that “white supremacy” and so on are the problem that concern me.







Poland was a barrier to globalism.  How could this POS win???  (At least, win legitimately?)



Awwwww, world’s smallest violin.




They say what they plan, and are protected from the public by mass disbelief that people could actually mean what they’re plainly saying.







NATO and the Globalists… willing to fight to the last Ukrainian.  More:



DO NOT DOUBT that as Ukraine runs out of, well, any warm body to put on the front line, that NATO – and specifically US – troops will be put in.







Many years ago I was vastly disappointed in Star Trek: Voyager when their head of security, Tuvok, was a black guy.  Now – the actor was great and portrayed the character very well; no complaints about him specifically.  No, I was annoyed that this alien race, Vulcans, had to have a black subcomponent to it.  Wokeness, insinuating its way in even then IMHO.








They made sure – by changing / broadening the definition of the word “vaccine” to include these gene therapies – to take advantage of the trust that word has for the general public.

Now, this change.

“Prevention injection”.  Call me cynical but I think the rhyme is intentional, to be mentally catchy.















Go get ’em Alex!



More psyop push polling / studies.






This could be over with two words: WE SURRENDER.







Some years ago, and this is going from memory, a shopkeeper was lamenting the fact that he had to have bars on his windows at all times, and a steel door that came down over his entire shop front at night.  Why?  All the crime that had just about driven him out of business.  It was heart-rending – “My shop, my beautiful shop…”









Pick of the Post:


In Monday Memes I discussed controlling the information flow.  Here’s a perfect example:



Control the information flow, control what people believe.




Palate cleansers:





Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.








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