Presidential Instability

All countries seek and require stability so that the people gain a sense of reliance in knowing that laws will be enforced and order preserved. This essential of society was addressed when our Forefathers met to revise the Articles of Confederation. Since then, our Constitution has become the subject of revision and interpretation by those who see it as “a negative charter” and are driven to remedy its limiting nature.

Also emerging from this unshackling approach was the solidifying of a two-party political apparatus, which has evolved into today’s tag team match. This contest touches all levels of governing, with special attention on the Oval Office and its occupant.

Forgotten through this modern-day binge of Constitutional self-serving is that by law, the altering of our Constitution can only proceed through its detailed Amendment process. However, these usurpers latched onto a door opening term, namely “judicial review,” which gave birth to what is today’s politicization and polarization of our Supreme Court. Gone are the days of impartial and politically neutral rulings that Lady Justice demands.

Not only have these changes affected the stability of our judicial system, but they have also filtered up to the American Presidency and, of course, our legislative process. Since our Presidency directly reflects our Nation, her policies, and America’s image and course, this Presidential instability is not only inconceivable but, in a very broad sense, threatening! This is exactly the case today as the policy is determined not from a national perspective or need but by the instability of addressing the platform of whichever party occupies our Presidency.

The task to ensure the safety and overall welfare of the country is served best with candidates owning the highest qualifications and being able and willing to perform efficiently. However, such candidate expectations have been replaced through each party’s selection process, which basically seeks those with a concurring party bias. Therefore, the days of answering the call to public service have been minimized since public service features another stability element from its inherent love of country!

The fact that many of the following Presidents are representative of one party is just that, a fact. Also, certain presidential overtures, statements, and policies have been shocking head-knockers due to their constitutional defiance, yet they were above any public scorn or governmental reaction. Also too, dishonorable mention is deserved by what now is a “fake news” version of America’s former free press. Nothing stirs their slumber, but then, I digress.

Presidential instability was first noticed with Wilson’s blatant defiance of our constitutional system when he implied that America’s mission is to ensure democracy worldwide. Then there’s America’s renowned President, FDR, who never vetoed a socialist program nor discounted any Russian request.

After FDR’s death, Truman took over and never missed a beat. He and another office inheritor, LBJ, defiantly and illegally committed our American military to war without our Constitution’s clear mandate of a congressional declaration. In both cases, Congress remained silent!

Later, the Bushes gained notice with the elder Bush publicly praising the future under a “New World Order,” while later, his son’s campaign pledge “not to nation build” became a precursor to his surety of “weapons of mass destruction” More recently, a documented draft dodger was elected and despite his moral decay, then re-elected! Following that, another two-term misfit was emotionally carried into office, mainly due to the redundancy of irrelevant messaging being fed to our citizens by that “media” consortium.

No longer are the concerns and intentions of those who sacrificed and penned our governing structure even mentioned, due to it being said that their horse and buggy days are not in sync with today’s computerized pace. Yet, that comparison is ignorantly based since our Forefather’s total intent of their Constitutional brand of authority was to safeguard America’s future success by restricting the always present impulses and frailties of human nature, that being the likes of jealousy, greed, power, immorality, depravity, and ambition, just to name a few.

Stability is sorely missing in the Oval Office and in our society. Without this crucial factor, our unhinged emotions, which enflame our jealousies, public dissensions, and violence, will only continue. Again, it’s “we the people” who, in large part, can and should support the return of stability. Without it, nothing changes. However, its essential worthiness to both our governing and peaceful societal order makes this mission a no-brainer!

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