Great Reset Sacrifice - notice j

My Oh Myocarditis

Before the needle-in-every-arm brigade began pushing the safe and effective narrative, there was a slew of stories to prepare the battlespace. Things that Pfizer, Moderna, and the FDA/CDC knew were attributable to the “cure” (they were about to unleash) were blamed on SARS-CoV2 infections.

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Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo

Florida’s Surgeon General Takes CDC and FDA to the COVID19 Woodshed

The Surgeon General for the state of Florida, Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo, is not well-liked among the liberal intelligentsia. Sure, he’s a successful black man, but that is overshadowed by his refusal to parrot the approved public health narratives.

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Rainbow prism human eye

The CDC’s Deep Gay Fake

The Left invented the term fake news to target alternative media, and then Donald Trump stole it and beat them with it mercilessly. Next up was deep fakes, “news” like video or similar that was so fake you needed corporate media or Big Tech to find the truth.

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airliner jet airplane sunset Photo by Etienne Jong on Unsplash

If You Want to Travel Legally to the US the CDC Requires an Updated COVID Shot – Illegals Can Keep Coming Without One

Rumor has it the US Public Health Emergency will end on May 11 (depends on what you mean by “public health & Emergency). But instead of ending its COVID-injected mandate for foreign travelers, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) will not just require it.

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CDC Logo

According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “Vaccines” Do NOT Need to Control or Prevent Disease

Remember when everyone who was anyone said the COVID-19 “vaccines” would prevent infection and spread? We needed them to return to normal, which – as it turns out meant making excuses for why they didn’t do that. And they have run out of excuses.

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Dr. Naomi Wolf

Wolf’s Howl Part 3: Travesty and Hope

The handling of the pandemic has resulted in a sorely divided population. Those in the camp who suspected something was amiss all along are now finding their suspicions confirmed by Dr. Wolf’s team of medical experts and their 58 reports culled from the Pfizer documents. Pfizer’s integrity is at an all-time low, as is the … Read more

cdc shirt

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Admits Vaccinated Individuals Can Spread COVID

For years, self-proclaimed experts have told us that medical misinformation is one of the greatest threats to public health. And it is. The Public Health Industrial Complex did great harm, and CDC Director Rochelle Walensky has just (unintentionally) given you a shout-out before Congress.

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aclu colorful sign trans kid deserve to live

The Trans Suicide Myth and Blackmail Politics

“Rates of suicide are as high as 40% in transgender youth,” Dr. Simrun Bal of Dartmouth Health testified at the New Hampshire State House. “Imagine that if there are 100 people in this room, 40 of us would have attempted suicide.”

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Filing VAERS Reports Got Her Fired Because It Was an Admission That the Vaccines Were Unsafe

The VAERS Database was explicitly created to accumulate vaccine safety data, but two things happened after the COVID-19 juice went wide. Health Care Providers stopped filing reports, and the CDC Stopped looking.

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little girl

GUN CONTROL LIES & PROPAGANDA: ‘Firearms are the Leading Cause of Death in Children’ 

The gun control crowd has been spreading absolute propaganda that firearms are the leading cause of death in children. Of course, gun control propaganda comes as no surprise to anyone who fights for 2nd Amendment rights; however, these people are actually making the claim using information from the CDC (that government bureaucracy is a whole … Read more

Reaper Skull medical facemask2

CDC Identified Hundreds of COVID19 Vaccine Safety Signals – Ignored Them or Hid Them

The CDC knew about hundreds of safety signals related to the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines* but didn’t want you to know. The EPOCH Times had to file a Freedom of Information Act Request to claw them into the light.

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dear trans community

CDC Pushing the Transgender Religion to Schools and MORE! – Stack of Stuff #36

It never seems to end – the Cultural Marxism at play in sexualizing our children (along with other social issues).  ALL of it can be traced back to Class Struggle/Warfare – putting one class of people against another. Classic Marxism was based on economics but it failed here in America because, well, the middle class … Read more

Nasa sattelite earth at night

Silent Night

To Our Dear Leaders,

No one is above the law!

How many times have we heard that line recently?

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CDC Flu Map new scary colors and double counting

The Flupocalypse is a Lie

Believing anything “the government” says was always tricky. We can add a new measure of skepticism to government agencies pretending to be interested in public health. The COVID response killed that, and they are back to make matters worse.

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cdc shirt

The Next Time Someone Accuses You of Vaccine Misinformation, Give Them a Dose of This Medicine

Plenty has been said about the EUA Vaccine* document disclosures the CDC, FDA, and Pfizer were forced to make against their will. But not enough. The Vaccine extremists are still shouting about “misinformation.” To their credit, there was a lot of that, but it was mostly on their side.

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School vaccine mandate map FEATURED IMAGE WITH TEXT

States Tell the CDC to Stuff Their Kiddie School Vaxx Mandate

Last week the CDC’s Committee on Rubber Stamping Whatever Big Pharma Wants (the acronym for that is ACIP for some reason) voted unanimously to add The Jab™ to the recommended children’s vaccines list. It is a curious move that got mixed reviews.

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NH Commissioner of Education Frank Edleblut2 - NH Dept of Ed pic

From NH Department of Education Commissioner Frank Edleblut concerning the updated CDC COVID-19 vaccine to NH School Districts

Dear School Leader:

You may have heard that on October 20, 2022, the CDC’s Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to unanimously recommend that the COVID-19 vaccine be added to the Vaccine for Children (VFC) program.

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Sun King Sununu

Real Republican Governors Saying NO To CDC’s New COVID-“Vaccine” Mandate For Schoolchildren … What Sayeth Sununu?

The response from New Hampshire’s Governor … the August Sun-King Chris Sununu … to the CDC saying that COVID “vaccines” should be mandatory for children to attend school … NOT MY CALL; I GOT NOTHING TO SAY: IT’S UP TO THE LEGISLATURE.

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Vial Syringe were coming for your babies

CDC Advisory Committee Considers Putting the COVID Vaccine on the Childhood Immunization Schedule to Protect Big Pharma Not Your Kids

Beginning at 8:30 Eastern Time this morning, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) will meet for two days. One of the items on their Thursday agenda is adding the COVID-19 Jab to the childhood immunization schedule. Every kid would need to get the juice.

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if masks actually worked

Since WMUR and the UL Seem to Have Missed This: CDC Drops Universal Masking Mandate for Health Care Workers

Your local experience may vary on this point. My Eye Doc, for example, is still high on masking, but the CDC has announced that it no longer recommends universal masking of Health Care Workers.

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