States Tell the CDC to Stuff Their Kiddie School Vaxx Mandate

Steve MacDonald

Last week the CDC’s Committee on Rubber Stamping Whatever Big Pharma Wants (the acronym for that is ACIP for some reason) voted unanimously to add The Jab™ to the recommended children’s vaccines list. It is a curious move that got mixed reviews.

The states that are as anxious as a pedophile on Epstein Island already have their hands up the mandate skirt (like California), and those that would “rather let parents decide” have put protections in place. And too few of the latter, if you ask me.

But nearly half The Union has outlawed COVID-19 vaccine mandates in some form or other, with more than twenty of those specifically prohibiting them as a requirement to attend school.

New Hampshire lawRSA 141-C:1-a provides that no person may be compelled to receive an immunization for COVID-19 in order to access public school districts or school administrative units.” We had confirmation from the Commissioner of Education that NH will enforced this law with the support of Governor Sununu.

Becker news listed the other twenty states that have similar restrictions. Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia.


School vaccine mandate map



Kudos to folks living there, but they are not alone. Missouri, North Dakota, and Wyoming also prohibit any proof of vaccine mandate that could also apply to schools.



The National Academy for State Health Policy has interactive maps (screengrabbed above) if you’d like to check the laws of any state you live in or plan to work in or visit. For example, twelve states and DC have state employee injection mandates.


Green states have state employee jab mandate - blue they are prohibited
Green = Mandated, Blue = Mandates are prohibited, Gray = no law either way


But only 14 states by law require private employers to accept exemptions from covid-19 mandates. Only Montant prohibits them for private employers.


States that ban or req exemptons for private employer mandates


I’d expect more than a few folks will seriously consider homeschooling if they can avoid the mandate in places inclined to embrace it. Some folks might just up and move if an employer mandate has not already inspired that change.

Whatever the reaction, as a matter of policy, the Federal government continues to factionalize the US population. People able to relocate to states that get their groove will do that. And good for them, but what about the folks who can’t? They’ve been denied a health choice in places where they have probably also (by the same gang of left-wing hooligans) have no education choice.

Kids never needed this injection, but the CDC’s Committee on Rubber Stamping Whatever big Pharma Wants (CRSWBPW) says it’s prudent, and they don’t care if it harms or kills kids in the process.

Talk about bad public health policy.


Reminder: State participation in the childhood vaccine schedule is still voluntary, but most states “volunteer.” And many vaccines are safe and useful, but if your state has not taken a stand on the COVID-19 “vaccines,” you should be building coalitions and talking to legislators about protecting the kids from mandates for this unnecessary and dangerous “injection.”




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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