Document: FDA Colluding with the US Postal Service to Block Delivery of Ivermectin

If you missed the Ivermectin story we shared last week, go check it out. It is by all definitions a wonder drug. So, it makes sense for us to wonder why the CDC, NIH, FDA, and WHO were down on it for so long.

Vaccine covid 19 vials

If NH Needs Proof The Vaccines™ Have Adverse Side Effects, Just ask the CDC and FDA

There’s a rumor goin’ round that some in New Hampshire continue to accept and expend COVID cash to promote the mRNA vaccines because – according to the officials who decide such things – there’s no proof of harmful side effects. Talk about low-hanging fruit.

stacks of pages paper cards Photo by Christa Dodoo on Unsplash

FDA Forced to Release 4.8 million Pages of COVID-19 Vaccine Data on 12-15 Year Olds

Third parties have had to drag the FDA to court to learn what Pfizer, Moderna, and the FDA/CDC knew about their COVID-19 vaccines that they didn’t want the public to see, and those folks just notched another victory for transparency.

Vaccine covid 19 vials

Pfizer, Moderna, and the FDA Knew They Were The Ones “Who Killed Grandma”

The COVID Vaccine “safe and effective” tagline has suffered headshots, and body blows, with the chorus coming back with “vaccine denier!” Science Denier! But we’ve known for a while they were the ones who killed grandma.

Vial Syringe weve come for the children

FDA: Those Bivalent Boosters May Not Work So Let’s Stick Them in Infants …

America’s Forcefeed (us) Drugs Administration (FDA) approved the New and Improved™ bivalent boosters (OMG, they’re “Bi?”) after reading about the reimbursement check potential from big Pharma. Could we expect better for injecting 6-month-old babies? Nope.

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Here is The FDA’s List of Pfizer’s 1,290+ Known Adverse Side Effects for Its Experimental COVID19 “Vaccine”

What do NHJournal,,, The NHBulletin, WMUR, The Union Leader, and likely every other print “newspaper” in the Granite State have in common? All the COVID Vaccine reporting has been favorable and supportive.

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FDA Admits Exec. Charged with Vaccine Safety Can’t Speak for the FDA On COVID Vaccine Safety

The US Food and Drug Administration is one of the more recently politicized and weaponized franchises of the Chief Executive. They have abandoned their charter to run confidence scams for the Oval Office. And when busted doing that, they lie.

Vial syringe might die and thats the point

Pfizer/FDA Hid How COVID Vax Could Make Recipients More Susceptible to COVID Infection and Death

The FDA tried to hide COVID Vax-related documents for decades, and now we know why. The first batch of court-ordered docs released reveals that in the first 90 days, Pfizer and the FDA were aware of over 1200 vaccine-related deaths and 158,893 adverse reactions.

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What’s in Your COVID Vaccine? FDA Asks judge If They Can Hide the Details for Another 55 Years

It’s all fun and games, right. Those conspiracy nuts with their magnets are squawking about spidery junk and tracking devices in the COVID vax. The list gets longer every day, but the FDA has asked a judge to let them hide the details for another 55 years.

Taxation is theft any state

Massachusetts Proposes a New Tax to Fund ‘Affordable’ Housing

This might be a great Town Hall forum question for Democratic candidates. “Is there any problem you can’t fix with a new or higher tax?” I want a list, please, but I sense it would look like that redacted FDA document—a bunch of blank pages. While true, Dems do believe this; they don’t want to … Read more

Pfizer Logo

Breaking: You Can Probably Sue Pfizer Over That Tainted mRNA COVID Vaccine

I think we’ve been clear about this. The immunity protections given to Pfizer by the government were never genuine, and the people handing them out knew that. And that while the Pfeds would cover for their own, the rest were on their own. That day may have arrived.

Great Reset Sacrifice - notice j

My Oh Myocarditis

Before the needle-in-every-arm brigade began pushing the safe and effective narrative, there was a slew of stories to prepare the battlespace. Things that Pfizer, Moderna, and the FDA/CDC knew were attributable to the “cure” (they were about to unleash) were blamed on SARS-CoV2 infections.

CNN Groomer

CNN Runs Cover for Pedophiles

The Collusion News Network (CNN) has a long, sad history of being all in on being wrong. They pass this off as journalism when most of it is opinion and poor opinion. The effect on ratings has been brutal, but that’s not yet enough incentive to pick sides or wear one team’s colors.

United Airlines Logo - Logo Lynx

Major US Airline Allows Unvaccinated Employee to Return to Work (But for The Wrong Reasons)

The more famous case of workers rejecting forced vaccination among US airlines was Southwest. After announcing its plans, pilots “called out sick” en masse crippling the carrier.

Transgender Puberty-Blocking Drug has Killed Over 6300 Kids so Far

Left-wingers make excuses and glorify cultural pressure to embrace gender dysphoria and transgenderism. But the most common drug used to block puberty to advance it chemically has already killed thousands of children.

RU-486 Adds to Clinton Body Count

Judicial Watch has released details obtained from a Right to Know request regarding the approval process for RU-486, the morning after pill or chemical abortion pill and thousands of pages of FDA documents. Back in 2006 Judicial Watch published a special report based on thousands of pages of FDA and National Archives documents showing the Clinton … Read more

Another Look at the Pfizer Docs

Hardly news, but to many, it is – and that will continue to be true until everyone is aware of what it is the FDA and Pfizer knew and when they knew it. With that in mind, I gelt it appropriate to share Naomi Wolf’s 2023 remarks at Hillsdale College. Naomi helped a team of … Read more

Standalone Links (with some memes)

Accumulated over several days and it grew too big for a meme post. Before I dig in, please do see Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow. And my latest non-meme/non-link, actual essay-essay: Revisiting Hashem’s Wisdom – Granite Grok >>>>>=====<<<<< 2024: WOAH: Far-Left Presidential Candidate Cornel West Says Kamala Bribed Him to Drop Out, Offered Him a Job and … Read more

Is Apeel Safe?

In April of 2023, somewhere out there beneath the pale moonlight, the internet did that thing it does. A Product Safety Datasheet for a cleaning product was associated with the new and mysterious Gates Industrial Complex food coating Apeel. I debunked it (or tried) because one of the services we like to think we provide … Read more

Administrative Creep on the Chopping Block

A busy US Supreme Court dropped yet another jurisprudential bomb in the recent case of Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, which reversed the longstanding precedent of Chevron USA, Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.