CDC Pushing the Transgender Religion to Schools and MORE! – Stack of Stuff #36

by Skip

It never seems to end – the Cultural Marxism at play in sexualizing our children (along with other social issues).  ALL of it can be traced back to Class Struggle/Warfare – putting one class of people against another. Classic Marxism was based on economics but it failed here in America because, well, the middle class was already pretty well off. So, they took the “general case” (class, struggle) and used other classes. After all, it is ALWAYS easy to make one Class the Oppressor (the capitalists) and another the Oppressed (the workers). Now, change that to Race and the Marxists took off to the races again.  Ditto religion: the majority American religion has historically been Christian so make them the Oppressors as well – at the same time. Now, add in sexuality for a third front.

Then aim those tactics and techniques at those most vulnerable to such indoctrination, K-12 kids (and throw in pre-schoolers as well) AND a fourth front – Parents are your Oppressors (while we, your teachers, love you more and are your best buddies and will save you from your Parents). Think I’m kidding?  Just stroll through all of the “stack of stuff” aggregates that I’ve put together along with a lot of individual posts as well).

So let’s start off with another one as it just seems that Government is establishing two religions, contra the First Amendment, in order to “save” us and shepherd to their Nirvana.  After all, it is clear that Sex is the new Governmental religion Brand A (the Libertine sect with Brand B the Calvinist one of “thou shalt live without energy or food we don’t allow). WHY is the CDC, who couldn’t get it’s main mission right with WuFlu, decided to extend its mission to evangelize Government Religion Brand A? As always, some reformatting and most emphasis is mine:

As its name suggests, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is tasked with preventing the spread of diseases. One CDC division is, however, working to help facilitate the spread of LGBT activists’ radical social agenda in schools. The CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health purportedly “promotes environments where youth can gain fundamental health knowledge and skills, establish healthy behaviors, and connect to health services to prevent HIV, STDs, and unintended pregnancy.”

So much for Parental Authority in this. Oh Wait – isn’t that the mission of many school systems – to become the permanent ersatz parents instead of the parents in teaching sexual morality and such?

The division also apparently endeavors to help schools stay engaged in LGBT activism and up to date with social constructivist terminology. DASH has repeatedly pushed an October 2020 document entitled, “LGBTQ Inclusivity in Schools: A Self-Assessment Tool,” on teachers and school administrators alike. Most recently, DASH tweeted on Dec. 27, “School administrators: Our LGBTQ inclusivity self-assessment tool can help you quickly gauge inclusivity at your school. See your score today and learn ways to increase inclusivity,” with a link to the document.

The purpose of the self-assessment is to approximate how close to conformity a teacher, classroom, or school is with the LGBT dogmas of the day.

Is this a Proper Role of Government? I think know not. What I DO know is that when local Parents get involved because of the above being foisted up their children, they can make a difference. And if you ever thought that ONE person can make a difference, here’s a story that outlines that getting behind and getting ONE more person elected matters. Day one by one vote:

Located to the southeast of Los Angeles, the Temecula Valley School District previously followed other woke educational groups and began teaching critical race theory. That was apparently a bridge too far for the parents in the district. Working with the Inland Empire Family PAC, three new board members were recently elected after running on a “pro-parental rights” platform. Those new members were sworn in this week, building a 3-2 majority on the board. Immediately upon being seated, the new majority voted to ban CRT from being taught in the district. The sweeping measure blasted CRT as being a true example of racism and rejected all of its basic tenets. This is a hopeful sign in a season of madness and woke ideologies. (Daily Wire)

A California school district voted this week to ban Critical Race Theory from being taught in its schools.

In a 3-2 vote, the Temecula Valley Unified School District in southern California voted to ban schools from teaching CRT. The vote came at the end of a marathon session on Tuesday night that ran into the wee hours of Wednesday morning; a new conservative majority had just been sworn in at the beginning of the meeting.

“The TVUSD desires to uplift and unite students by not imposing the responsibility of historical transgressions in the past and instead will engage students of all cultures in age-appropriate critical thinking that helps students navigate the past, present, and future,” the resolution banning CRT stated.

The resolution declares that CRT is based on an “artificial distortion of the traditional definition of ‘racism.’” It points out that CRT is racist in and of itself, targeting white students based on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character. The school rejects the idea that one subset of students who are still children should be made to feel shame or bear responsibility for the actions of people from previous generations that took place long before they were born.

And another Good Story but at the College Level – Free Speech upheld. The problem that we ALL should recognize is that a specific policy had to be issued instead of being the assumed default by EVERY one. However, we’re living in Robert Heinlein’s Crazy Years, we have to tell and smack around the skulls full of mush that their Chinese Maoistic reeducation perp walks are over:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology faculty have adopted a resolution that defends freedom of speech and expressioneven speech some find “offensive or injurious.” The “Free Expression Statement,” approved by the faculty senate Dec. 21, states that “Learning from a diversity of viewpoints, and from the deliberation, debate, and dissent that accompany them, are essential ingredients of academic excellence.”

The statement was approved by a vote of 98 to 52, a source close to MIT told The College Fix.

We cannot prohibit speech that some experience as offensive or injurious,” the statement reads.

But as Glenn Reynolds noted: “It wasn’t close, but it should have been less-close.”  What the is wrong with those 52??  The Left is always talking about “Dangers to our Democracy”. Excluding the fact that we aren’t a democracy, it is these Leftard Faculty Lounge Lizards that are the biggest threat by inculcating such nonsense about our fundamental values and Law?

And let’s bounce back to CRT (it HAS been quite some time since Critical Race Theory has been discussed directly but remember, Transgenderism is just one facet of it). Key word here is “equity“.  Just substitute in the word “quota” and you’ve got the nub of this next snippet:

It’s almost funny how when it comes to the American education system, leftist indoctrination and pandering has paved the way for “equity” to be a good trait or quality.

The Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Alexandria, Virginia, has come under intense scrutiny and fire after it was revealed that the school had intentionally delayed notifying students of national academic honors in the name of “equity.”

…“This year the entire controversy just blew up because the kids got their certificate, weeks after early college application deadlines, just dropped on their desks as if it was just another piece of paper,” Nomani said.

So to briefly recap: In the name of “equity” (ensuring that every child is equally kneecapped), Thomas Jefferson High School decided that if one child can’t boost his/her college application chances with an academic award, then no students should be able to.

…“The school wanted to recognize students as individuals, not their achievements, as if the two had to be separated,” she said. What, pray tell, is up with the demonizing of individual accomplishment as a bad thing?

After all, all the smarter/hard working students are OPPRESSING those that aren’t as equal in academic horsepower and/or work ethic. “War on Merit“.

And a “War on Normalty” – start with preschoolers and teach them to cross-dress with a purpose!

A school district that gave preschoolers a book on cross-dressing has changed its procedures for giving out books after news of the incident surfaced late last month. As first reported exclusively by The Lion and The Heartlander news sites, a 4-year-old preschooler in the Turner School District in Kansas City, Kansas, took home the book “Jacob’s New Dress.” It’s a picture book in which a little boy wears girls’ clothes and even competes with his friend Emily to be a princess.

“I don’t think this should be, obviously, any kind of a subject for a school to be speaking about,” Jim Clay, the 4-year-old’s grandfather, told The Lion. “The sexualization of our children in society today is just disgusting. The grooming that’s taking place is disgusting.”

Clay reported the Turner district had explained what happened and what changes will be made to prevent such a sexually provocative book from being tendered to young children there again.

…“Moving forward, our district staff will be preapproving all books and activities provided by Literacy KC to ensure they are age-appropriate and align with our district curriculum and educational mission,” the statement concluded—notably, without apology to offended parents and guardians.

Case closed? Maybe, maybe not.

“This past spring we learned State Farm was distributing transgender books in Florida,” says Mary Miller, an Oregon-based parents’ rights advocate who spoke about the cultural divide between parents and schools in Kansas City at a community forum in June.

…There is a coordinated effort by trans rights activist groups such as GLSEN (formerly the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network) and the Human Rights Campaign to push transgender ideology on schoolchildren nationwide.

They ARE coming for our kids.  And it isn’t just at schools.  Thank you, Mattel!

Mattel, the massive corporation that owns Barbie, Fisher-Price, Hot Wheels, American Girl, and several other iconic toy companies, is promoting transgender ideology to children through its products. The brand has introduced several transgender-themed products aimed at a child audience in recent years, including a recent book about boy image that included a section encouraging gender transitions for girls with body image issues. Mattel has been praised by LGBT activists and boasted of its LGBT inclusion efforts.

“Our most recent example is UNO’s new Play with Pride deck, which celebrates the LGBTQ+ community and includes a donation to the It Gets Better Project in honor of Pride Month. And there are many more.” Mattel came under fire most recently for an American Girl book aimed at young girls that promoted gender transitions without parental consent and encouraged girls to stifle any discomfort they felt about males using women’s restrooms.

Caution!  NSFW and we’re breaking the ‘Grok’s Rule #1 but since the Left has brought the war here, here we must expose it AND we must do so at School Board meetings:

A concerned mother brought a school book to her school board to address the sexual harassment and vulgar language that is being pushed on her children.
This specific book references 10-year old fourth-graders engaging in homosexual actions and using language like “his little salamander between my fourth-grade fingers rapidly engorging with blood”.

This is my son, Cameron. He attends Leander High School and I’m going to explain to you the book that he received but Mr. McKay, I pray you are a man of your word. Last week I asked my children if I could check the books that they’ve picked up from the school. My son picked up this brand new book from the shelves in class, “Lawn Boy”. He was under the impression it was about a kid that ends up with a gig mowing the grass at Disneyland. I’d like to share a few quotes with you.

On page 19, “Not that it really matters, in fourth grade at a church youth group meeting out in the bushes, I touched Doug Goebbels d*ck, and he touched mine. In fact, there was even some mouths involved.” Next one, page 91, “What if I told you I touched another guy’s d*ck? What if I told you I sucked it? I was 10 years old, but it’s true. I put Doug Goebbels’ d*ck in my mouth. I was in fourth grade, it was no big deal. He sucked mine too. And you know what, it wasn’t terrible.” Page 174, “he talked about all times at the church but never mentioned our penises, or the fact that he never said 10 words to me after our little foray in the bushes. Not a single reference to holding or tugging or sucking d*cks. All I could think about while he was chatting me up, was his little salamander between my fourth-grade fingers, rapidly engorging with blood.” Page 230, “Why won’t you admit we suck each other’s dicks? We shared a HERSHEY’s Bar, then you showed me your dick. The next thing I know it’s in my mouth. We suck each other’s dicks and you’re pretending it didn’t happen.”

What sort of diversity are you intending to teach my child with material like this? In addition, I’ll share with you the exceptional quality of vocabulary, I stopped counting on page 66 After 44 f*cks, and 41 sh*ts. The depravity of the content on the shelves in our schools cannot be mitigated with policy.

Bonus: WHY is “Lawn Boy” pedophilic.

And let’s get to the nub of the problem – those that believe that Parents just AREN’T relevant but should be MADE to be irrelevant:

  • Who Knows Best? The Push to Replace Parents
    Social revolutionaries who want doctors or teachers or bureaucrats to step between parents and children on sexual issues are revealing their hostility not only to parental rights but to human nature and how we were created.

In internet lingo, to “say the quiet part out loud” means to reveal one’s true intentions or motives that were supposed to remain publicly unsaid. Recently, a couple of prominent organizations that deal with children have “said the quiet part out loud” when talking about parental rights.

The first was the National Education Association, which has a long history of advocating extreme, sexually progressive ideology in schools, such as, for instance, advising teachers to hide transgender students’ name and pronoun changes from parents. In November, the NEA tweeted:

“Educators love their students and know better than anyone what they need to learn and thrive.”

Hmm. Could they be overlooking anyone? Such as, I don’t know, students’ parents? It’s as if any right that parents have to be involved and aware of their children’s education ends at the ability of progressive teachers to shepherd their students into alternative lifestyles, sexual practices, and abortions.

Speaking of abortion, another group that deals with vulnerable children and teens also recently said the quiet part out loud. Parental rights advocate Megan Brock tweeted a clip from a video conference by the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Policy Lab. In it, Dr. Sarah Wood explained the group’s strategy for circumventing Pennsylvania’s parental notification law for minors seeking abortions.

According to Dr. Wood, “the ideal state” would be to repeal parental notification laws so that doctors can refer teens for abortions privately. Until then, she proposed, there should be a “designated navigator process” to help shepherd pregnant teens through a judicial bypass, so parents never have to know. According to Wood, this can prevent “physical, emotional, and financial harm” young women might otherwise suffer at the hands of their families. Ultimately, she explained, the goal of policymakers and physicians should be “expanding this idea of a parent, to being a trusted or supportive adult, so that it’s not a tie of biology…”

I keep seeing/hearing this all the time: “if we just didn’t have to deal with Parents…THEY are the criminals in all this and certainly DON’T love their kids”. Shades of NH Dem Party Chair Ray Buckley exclaiming “…some kids will be kicked out or beaten (to death) or commit suicide.” when talking about Parents and their  transgender children.

According to our Public Servants, Parents are just plain evil.  Just like students that may not understand what Free Speech really is and acts ignorantly because of it:

The vice president of the University of Illinois Student Government, or ISG, has tendered her resignation because the school will not “take a stand and prohibit hate speech.”

Vindhya Kalipi, a junior studying political science and statistics, made that point in a student government Instagram post put up on October 10. Kalipi was not pleased about the appearance of Matt Walsh on his “What is a Woman?” tour at which he said challenging transgender ideology is “the hill he is ‘willing to die on’” and that gender transitioning is “castrating” children. In its statement, the ISG said Walsh’s remarks were “hateful,” “wrong” and “induce[d] pain for many people.”

It also noted that given her beliefs, Kalipi (pictured) “talked to administrators and looked through existing laws and regulations” to ultimately discover there is no First Amendment exception for “hate speech.”

Right. An American political science major not understanding the US Constitution and its Bill of Rights?  That Free Speech is all but absolute when it comes to expressing opinion even if you consider it “offensive” and hateful? ESPECIALLY, those two categories are protected?  So who indoctrinated her into thinking this way.

Oh wait?  One of these?

Democrats Aren’t Fooling Anyone With Their Lies About Indoctrinating Children

Progressives who support the grooming and indoctrination taking place in America’s schools are often fond of trying to gaslight the nation into believing it isn’t happening. They pretend far-leftist ideas on race, sexuality, and gender identity are not being presented to small children. No matter how many news reports surface showing that school districts are pushing ideas inspired by critical race theory and helping children transition to the opposite gender without their parent’s knowledge or consent, they continue to assure that there is nothing to see here. But a recent poll shows that Americans are not falling for their lies.

A brand new Washington Examiner/YouGov survey revealed that most adults know that public K-12 schools are infusing so-called progressive ideas into their curricula and are not happy about it. From the report:

Fifty-eight percent of respondents, including 51% of Democrats, agreed schools are teaching students what to believe regarding race. And 50%, including 40% of Democrats and 49% of independents, agreed schools are teaching students to adopt certain views on sexuality and gender.

Even further, the report notes that “an overwhelming majority of U.S. adults believe schools should not be forcing these views onto children in any way.” According to the study, 68 percent of participants said schools should teach that America has a complicated history with “good and bad aspects” instead of the radical “America sucks” curriculum with which progressives seek to indoctrinate students. Additionally, most respondents said they opposed teachings about gender identity and sexual orientation until high school.

And by any means possible, so it seems:

Metro Atlanta School District Sneakily Includes Gender Propaganda on School-Issued Devices

Even as parents have begun to make strides in exposing and reversing the trend of radical gender theory education in schools, educators are finding ways to sneak in the propaganda in ways that parents can’t easily discover. The latest example of that is taking place just outside of Atlanta in Gwinnett County. This is the largest school district in Georgia and the same one that brought us the infamous school board president Dr. Tarece Williams, who posts bizarre TikTok videos and promotes divisive racial ideology. Gwinnett Schools are now adding gender propaganda to the mix with what one group calls “inappropriate gender lessons” on school-issued Chromebooks that parents can’t access when logging into their children’s accounts on other devices.

Holly Terei, the Gwinnett County chapter president of No Left Turn in Education, discovered the objectionable content on the Chromebook that the school issued to her child.

One ebook on the fourth grade page claims that gender is a social construct ‘not based on anything biological or medical,’” explains the press release from No Left Turn in Education. “It dismisses the differences between men and women as figments of societal imagination.”

…“Gwinnett County Schools are pushing gender lessons on kids and hiding it from their parents,” Terei said in No Left Turn’s statement. “This is a brazen attempt to supplant the role of parents in their children’s lives. Nothing in the content is educational. It does not serve students; it serves the political goals of bureaucrats.”

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