The CDC’s Deep Gay Fake

The Left invented the term fake news to target alternative media, and then Donald Trump stole it and beat them with it mercilessly. Next up was deep fakes, “news” like video or similar that was so fake you needed corporate media or Big Tech to find the truth.

No, not like Anderson Cooper in Waders in a Ditch or the entire Steele Dossier, or the Covington Kid smear, not light-skinned Latinos, Hands up don’t shoot, the heap of lies about COVID, those mostly peaceful protests, or mass shootings by a Muslim in a gay nightclub. I’m referring to the CDC’s recent news about teens and gender.

“According to the CDC’s latest data, roughly one out of every four high school students in America now identifies as LGBTQ,  …”




In 2021, 75.5 percent of high school students identified as heterosexual, the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) found.

Among high school students, 12.2 percent identified as bisexual, 5.2 percent as questioning, 3.9 percent as other, 3.2 percent as gay or lesbian and 1.8 percent said they didn’t understand the question.


In other words, they are saying you are gay or queer, or Bi, but are they, or is this like that buddy who insisted he had a girlfriend in Canada?


One clue about what’s going on here is provided by the fact that a lot of today’s “queer youth” don’t seem to be very gay in practice. As noted above, only 3.2 percent of today’s young people say they are primarily same-sex attracted — a figure very much on par with many recorded in the past. That group is outnumbered about four to one by the self-declared bisexuals. For that matter, a surprisingly large chunk of today’s heavily female cohort of “bisexuals” seems to be spaghetti-straight in practice. According to data from the Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology, 55 percent of self-declared bisexual women under age 30 have had only heterosexual sex (if sometimes quite a lot of it) in the recent past. …

Further complicating this picture is the fact that sexually active people of any kind are rapidly becoming a minority among the young. According to the 2021 YRBSS report, the percentage of American high-school students who have ever had sex fell from almost 60 percent in 1991 to 30 percent in 2021.

Saying you identify as this or that is more self-marketing than the reality. A sop to peer pressure. An affectation to avoid looking like a cisgender stooge pandering to the sexual mores of the patriarchy (see also biology and human nature).

The media went wide with the CDC’s report. Look how gay everyone is, but like their other “sciences,” this is also political. It is a partisan perception. Many of these kids are just saying what they must to “fit in.” That’s not a crime, kids and teens and adults – hell, everyone who isn’t secure in their own skin has been doing that forever. And no one denies that gender dysphoria is a thing, but not all of these kids are confused about their gender. Many of them are pretending for attention-seeking sympathy by claiming fellowship with a victim class. Or they’ve been herded by rainbow warriors whose growth plan requires aggressive recruitment into their cult, and this inculcation has created the dysphoria that, in the absence of pressure, would either not exist or resolve itself.

And there’s nothing wrong with being something other than heterosexual. Consenting adults have been engaging in all sorts of activities in pursuit of sexual pleasure for millennia and should be free to do their thing. But most kids who claim to be on the LGBT** have never had sex or even intimate contact. Like with that girlfriend your buddy has in Canada.



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