The Flupocalypse is a Lie

Believing anything “the government” says was always tricky. We can add a new measure of skepticism to government agencies pretending to be interested in public health. The COVID response killed that, and they are back to make matters worse.

The Public Health Industrial Complex is peddling another blood-for-money campaign that pushes flu vaccines. Regular Flu. The thing they replaced with COVID, which they have since rebranded to facilitate more money laundering.


It turns out that a year ago, the CDC changed the definition of “Influenza-Like Illness:”

For this system, ILI is defined as fever (temperature of 100°F [37.8°C] or greater) and a cough and/or a sore throat. Since the 2021-22 season, the case definition no longer includes “without a known cause other than influenza”. Since ILINet monitors visits for ILI and not laboratory-confirmed influenza, it will capture visits due to any respiratory pathogen that presents with the symptoms of fever plus cough or sore throat. These data should be evaluated in the context of other surveillance data to obtain a complete and accurate picture of influenza activity.

As of now, any illness with “fever AND (cough OR sore throat)” is counted as influenza and would darken the map!


By changing the definition of flu, the experts have elevated the incidence in the wake of a two-year public-health terror campaign. State-run media has made sure you knew about the rise in “flu,” but not why.

Igor Chudov explains the double counting here. I have other fish to fry. The latest Flupocalypse aligns with all the other domestic terrorism from the Biden administration.

The non-stop renewals of the COID public health emergency

DHS continues to issue partisan national security domestic terror Def Con 1 updates.

The mess at the border, the economic misery, and a new end-of-the-world conspiracy every other minute.

It’s exhausting or meant to be; people in a constant state of tension are more likely to cede their freedom in exchange for a false promise of security. Some will increasingly act out or initiate actions that can be used to advance the goal of a police state. Flooding the nation with third-world hooligans only accelerates the problem of crime and disorder among the ‘migrants” and actual citizens.

In 2020 “they” weaponized a virus and created a new path to tyranny in the form of the public health police state.

As I write this, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia are building theirs. Blue states in the US are on the same path. Changing the definition of flu adds tension to accelerate the process. If Big Pharma gets more money for “treatments,” then that’s a bonus that finds its way into the pockets of the elites or downstream to buy off state and local public health despots to keep them on the line.

All while dismissing or ignoring the real threat to public health. The CDC, FDA, and we can add the growing Hospital cartel, and health insurance companies can deny service and control the public at the direction of policymakers.

Do no harm has evolved to do harm as needed, and without a way to reign in the bureaucracy behind it or legal protections we shouldn’t need to protect us from it, real threats can never be known or even believed.

And that’s probably on purpose.



HT | Igor Chudov Substack

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