Another Look at the Pfizer Docs

Hardly news, but to many, it is – and that will continue to be true until everyone is aware of what it is the FDA and Pfizer knew and when they knew it. With that in mind, I gelt it appropriate to share Naomi Wolf’s 2023 remarks at Hillsdale College. Naomi helped a team of … Read more

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CDC/Pfizer/Moderna Admit Serious Jab Side Effects And Other Misadventures in “Science”

There had been a lot of “movement” in the COVID/vaccine universe. A major online medical influencer, Annette Bosworth, MD (“Dr. Boz”), had a road to Damascus experience thanks to a peer-reviewed paper by Peter McCullough, Steve Krisch, and others. Oh, and Pfizer/Moderna admit their cure had issues.

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When Pfizer Reminded Us That their Thing Could Damage Your Heart

In late October, to scare people right before Halloween, Pfizer issued a press release reminding recipients of its COVID-19 vaccines that there was an increased risk of heart injury after injection. No Sh!t, Really?

COVID-19 Vaxx: Texas Sues Pfizer for Deceptive Trade Practices – How Many Other States Will Follow Their Lead?

New Hampshire loves itself some jackpot justice. They sued Exxon/Mobile over EPA-approved Fuel Additives and loved cashing tobacco settlement checks. But how about this? After preaching the 95% and safe and effective lies, does the State have the hutspa to follow Texas as it sues Pfizer for Deceptive Trade practices?

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Breaking: You Can Probably Sue Pfizer Over That Tainted mRNA COVID Vaccine

I think we’ve been clear about this. The immunity protections given to Pfizer by the government were never genuine, and the people handing them out knew that. And that while the Pfeds would cover for their own, the rest were on their own. That day may have arrived.

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Is Pfizer Doomed?

The funny thing about getting politicians to promise you immunity from prosecution is that there are limitations to what can be excused. Take deliberate deception and fraud.

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Pfizer Pfunded Research Shows COVID “Vaccine” Was Useless in Children

Is it still a secret that states and nations collected years of data showing that children were never a vector for infection or the spread of SARS-CoV2? It was evident after the first two weeks of tyranny in March/April 2020 and confirmed by mountains of evidence since, but there has been one change.

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Did Pfizer Use Graphene Oxide in the COVID Vaccine Manufacturing Process?

One of the many pages of documents pried from the FDA and Pfizer by court order explains a process that includes Graphene Oxide. Some have jumped on this as proof it is in the vaccines themselves. Is it? Let’s take a look.

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Getting Rid of Pfizer, Once and For All

One of, if not perhaps the most villainous and deadly groups in today’s global civilization has recently shown its true colors. That is the global corporate pharmaceutical industry, whose machinations were put on public display through the events of 2019, 2020, and 2021.

DNA Puzzle Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

Viable Plasmid DNA Found in Both Mono and Bivalent Pfizer COVID Vaccine Samples

“Kevin McKernan, a scientist with 25 years experience in the genomic field and a leading expert in sequencing methods for DNA and RNA,” found something in the Pfizer COVID vaccines that wasn’t supposed to be there.

Bananas: UVM To Open New Pfizer School of Sorcery

With a generous grant from global pharmaceutical giant Pfizer the University of Vermont announces plans to break ground this summer on a new School of Sorcery. Eager to capitalize on a generation still under the spell of Harry Potter, UVM plans to be the first to offer a Bachelors in Divination, Sorcery and Magic (BDSM).  … Read more

David Martin

Plandemic- Warp Speed Was a Lie: Pfizer Had Its First Spike Protein Vaccine Patent for Coronavirus Over Thirty Years Ago

You’ll have heard of Dr. David E Martin. He became famous to most of us for exposing the lies behind the pandemic, beginning in the Plandemic movies. Dr. Martin is one of the Flutopian’s worst nightmares. He’s smart, and he arrives not with just bad news but receipts.

Politicians, Public Health, and the Media Share Responsibility for Pfizer’s “Crime Against Humanity”

Yes, there was a COVID-19 disinformation campaign. Your government and Big Pharma paid for it. They spread it from Hospitals to Politicians, COVID “bailouts,” political parties, unions, your Nieghbor ‘Karen,’ and ad campaigns; hundreds of billions not only promoted a lie, it actively suppressed the truth.

Dr. Naomi Wolf

Naomi Wolf’s Howl: Pfizer COVID Docs Reveal “Greatest Crime in Human History”

Naomi Wolf was once a darling of the Democratic Party. A Yale graduate with a Ph.D. in history, Wolf worked as an advisor to the Clinto-Gore administration. Described as an American liberal progressive, feminist author, and journalist, she rose to prominence as the author of The Beauty Myth in 1991, which was named one of The … Read more

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Planned Parenthood Should Sue Pfizer for “Reparations”

One of the if not early, then alarming reports to surface after the Jabbernauts began the ‘needle-in-every-arm’ crusade was a rise in miscarriages. Pregnant women were losing babies almost as fast as if they’d taken that horse medicine (Misoprostol) feminists ranted about after SCOTUS un-penumbra’d Roe. v. Wade.

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Pfizer Admits that mRNA Lipid Nano Particles Could Trigger Heart Problems ‘In Some People’

As part of the oops, let’s move along campaign by The Public Health Industrial Complex, also doing business as the apology tour, Pfizer has done some research and concluded that the mRNA Vaccines can cause some heart problems.

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Pfizer’s Got Another Vaccine

Being a bemused cynic has its benefits. For example, when I saw this article about a new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine, my first thought was, is this why they wanted COVID?

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Pfizer, Moderna, and the FDA Knew They Were The Ones “Who Killed Grandma”

The COVID Vaccine “safe and effective” tagline has suffered headshots, and body blows, with the chorus coming back with “vaccine denier!” Science Denier! But we’ve known for a while they were the ones who killed grandma.

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Pfizer Releases New Climate Change Vaccine

Catastrophic Climate Change is happening all around the world and the executives at Pfizer believe they have the cure. A new Climate Change Vaccine (CCV) has been developed and is currently being tested on unsuspecting people throughout the continents of Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, West America, and some islands. “It’s getting really … Read more

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Pfizer Admits “COVID-Vaccine” NEVER Tested For Stopping Transmission

It was just one of many LIES told to us about COVID. But it is a disgusting and horrible LIE because it caused people to lose their jobs, be ostracized, and in some cases become very sick and even DIE. The “vaccine” was NEVER tested to determine if it actually stopped transmission: