Wolf’s Howl Part 3: Travesty and Hope

The handling of the pandemic has resulted in a sorely divided population. Those in the camp who suspected something was amiss all along are now finding their suspicions confirmed by Dr. Wolf’s team of medical experts and their 58 reports culled from the Pfizer documents. Pfizer’s integrity is at an all-time low, as is the public opinion of politicians, media, and the CDC.

Despite objections from doctors and other medical experts, including the ever-changing advice from Dr. Anthony Fauci, we were told to wear masks even though they were known to not only not prevent viral transmission but are now known to disrupt children’s development, hamper breathing, and even cause oral diseases. We also found out well after it mattered that the “6 feet of separation” was an arbitrary number arrived at by a health advisor whose daughter used it in her school presentation without any peer review from professionals. The government forced millions to lock down in their homes, also shown to increase transmission by trapping the healthy with the sick, while governors and legislators violated their own lockdown edicts or vacationed to escape them.

Worse than all of that, the highly vaunted “vaccine,” as we were told by CDC Rochelle Walensky and former Vice President Joe Biden, would prevent infection. Not only did it not, but the CDC even admits they don’t provide as much protection as natural immunity, despite the media claiming for weeks it was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” The Pfizer documents show the number three side effect of the shots is COVID, and they knew this before distribution. Add to that the meteoric rise in heart conditions, sudden death among the young and healthy, and catastrophic reproduction abnormalities resulting in the miscarrying of hundreds if not thousands of babies, and the gun is smoking.

After a global crime like this, the first sensible question to ask is, who pulled the trigger? Another would be to ask, who loaded the gun? Still, others would wonder who built the gun or who made the bullets.

In a somewhat serendipitous turn of events this morning, I found myself listening to the testimony of an Irish-born physician, Dr. John Coleman, explain all of these things…from thirty years ago. As luck would have it, I was on Twitter this morning, taking and dishing out my fair share of abuse, when I saw a video posted of him.

It’s title? Wake Up America.

Over the course of an hour and twenty minutes, he lays out the plan-demic from the 1990s. Of course, this much time means he can give historical lessons, name names, and give dates, locations, and a host of other inside information he’s gleaned over the years. His sources include the English congressional library, the congressional library of the United States, members of the English, French, and American intelligence communities, and his own anecdotal accounts. That is primary sources and first-hand experience. His rude awakening came when he was on location in Sierra Leone to treat the nascent AIDS virus among the locals, only to realize they were sent there to infect and even kill them with the virus.

This experience led him to look into the history of viral warfare, which he discovered had been essentially mastered by his fellow countrymen. Accepted British history includes the use of smallpox to infect Native Americans, using opium to subdue the Chinese, and elite involvement in support of the Nazis despite ostensibly opposing them. He has a series of books that expose virtually every measure, institution, and individual that has or is conspiring to destroy America using tactics from propagandizing and corrupting the youth, creating economic crises, fomenting social unrest, and blackmailing politicians to wrest control from we the people. As a former member of the intelligence community, he backs his claims up thoroughly.

So where is the message of hope?

Returning to Dr. Wolf, she begins by telling us Pfizer has forty-five million vaccines they have that no one wants to take. After the applause from the Hillsdale crowd subsides, she tells us her team includes two hundred lawyers filing lawsuits against Pfizer and the other conspirators throughout the United States.

She also says this experience, forcing her to gaze long and hard at how evil mankind can be, shook her to rethink her view of God. A secular Jew most of her life, she now realizes the truths of both the Hebrew and Christian Bible that warns of man’s nature. She believes, as do I, that God has allowed us yet again to see what happens when a people turn away from Him and submit to the rule of man. This, too, is met with joyous applause.

As for Dr. Coleman, who is no longer with us, his assertion intersects with those in the Convention of States movement. Having taken it upon himself to study the source documents of the founding fathers in the US, he made himself a constitutional scholar boasting of knowing even more than the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at the time. He asserts our most significant failing is allowing representatives and presidents to usurp power never given to them by the Constitution.

Dr. Wolf and Dr. Coleman see the problem in its seeming juggernaut array of governmental and supra-governmental enemies. The antidote to this bureaucratic and oligarchical virus is in a well-informed and freedom-loving people who, now knowing their enemy, its tactics, and plans, will be emboldened to acquire the necessary information and, more importantly, courage to fight like heaven when the rebellion reared its ugly head. For all intents and purposes, we are fighting the same legion of enemies. However, we also have the same Great Commander on our side.

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