Are Caucasians Victims of Planned Obsolescence?

With all of the negativity surrounding us with the current state of our nation, one questions whether it is a collection of random policies or is there a master plan. I do not want to give the Democrats too much credit by thinking they could be working on a massive, clandestine operation to transform America into a melting pot where Whites are in the solid minority. But that is what is happening, and very quickly. Let’s look at some of the policies leading to this transformation.

To pull off such a coup, you must numb or desensitize the populace so there is little resistance to the changes. That is where the public education system comes into play. For one hundred years, the progressives have been using schools to support their agenda and to create a dislike of America and its history. It is working. They began in colleges and universities to indoctrinate teachers to spread the word to the masses. We see evidence of the Woke mentality in grades down to preschool.

With the help of Black Lives Matter, DEIJ, and CRT, they have completed the task of turning a country of millennials against patriotism and the ideals of our forefathers. To have a consistent effort nationally, the Department of Education was formed by Jimmy Carter so that Messages taught in the northeast were consistent with the southwest. The teacher’s union has been complicit with this initiative.

The transgender and gender-neutral mindset was a vital component of the process. Removing identity from the equation makes it easier to control the thought processes of the young. The education system also tried to replace the role of parents with teachers. Fortunately, that is facing pushback thanks to overreaching school boards. Parents are fighting back and may prove to be more powerful than the system.

The Justice Department joined the fray last year but not on the side of the people. They chose to weaponize the FBI against parents who were showing resistance to local school boards. They went to such an extreme as to call these parents domestic terrorists. Merrick Garland is proving to be an evil individual on many fronts, and we should be thankful he is not sitting on the Supreme Court.

The movement decades ago to have smaller families has worked. We are seeing negative growth in the U.S. population, with many families having no or one child as opposed to the two plus in the seventies and eighties. Combine that negative growth with an influx of nearly two million illegal immigrants from over one hundred and fifty countries, and it is easy to see how the demographics are changing.

Another difficult process element is the government doing little to stop the influx of illegal synthetic Fentanyl from China through Mexico. With over 100,000 deaths in the 18 to 45-year-old range, we are killing off our current and future productive generation. I would hate to think this is part of the process, but how else can you explain the government’s apathy in addressing the Chinese attack on our people?

This post is not a conspiracy piece, as all of these things are happening. Whether they are connected or not is the question. If they are, we are seeing a concentrated effort to transform, if not destroy America. This string of events started long before Obama, but he drew attention to the plot when he called his Presidency a transformation. Biden is Obama 2.0, and we must stop it before we lose our beloved America.

Our forefathers, those brilliant men who saw deep into the future, said that America was an experiment and could fail at any time. I do not want that time to be in my lifetime, and I will do whatever I can to prevent it from happening. I hope and pray we have enough like-thinking Patriots to join the fight.


  • As a lifelong Conservative and resident of New Hampshire, Ray Cardello is positioned to speak with common sense about the happenings of the nation and the region. Ray started his website, Conservative View from New Hampshire, in January 2021 and publishes an article daily. He has published over 1,500 articles, is syndicated on 15 websites, and has published on over 65 sites. Ray has recently added Bear Pond Conservative Chronicles to his site to address specific issues of Maine, his second home. Ray is passionate about his writing and sees the Internet as the only way for Conservatives to compete with the mainstream media. He believes that sites like Granite Grok are the way to offset Left Wing propaganda and politicians’ gaslighting.

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