Will SAU16/Exeter DEIJ Director Support the BLM Boycott of White Owned Businesses?

A parent from SAU16/Exeter posted the following screen shot, asking if Andres Mejia, the DEIJ (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice) Director, will be supporting this boycott since he is a member of the Seacoast Black Lives Matter.


Screen Shot BLM to boycott white businesses


Mejia stated at the DEIJ presentation, that he will not be stepping down from his position with Black Lives Matter.

It is controversial positions like this one from BLM, that demand an answer. Does Mr. Mejia support a month-long boycott of ‘white companies?’  Does he believe that the white business owners in SAU16 are all white supremacists, because they are business owners in a capitalistic society?

This kind of radical Marxist view by BLM, challenges the economic structure that has lifted more people out of poverty (Capitalism) than any other economic system. Does he share these radical marxist views on capitalism? If so, how will his radical views be shared with the staff and/or students?


The taxpayers who fund his salary of $153,000.00 a year + benefits,  deserve answers.


  • Ann Marie Banfield

    Ann Marie Banfield has been researching education reform for over a decade and actively supports parental rights, literacy and academic excellence in k-12 schools. You can contact her at: banfieldannmarie@gmail.com

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