man smoke cigar

Virtue Compelling Devices

President* Biden has declared that he is ‘going to try to get rid of assault weapons.’ Of course, there isn’t really any such thing as an ‘assault weapon.’  There are assault rifles and semi-automatic weapons, but the term assault weapon doesn’t really mean anything other than a weapon that certain people find frightening for reasons they … Read more

Data Point – Poll on an assault weapons ban

by Skip

Emphasis mine:

Snapshot: Majority in U.S. Now Oppose Ban on Assault Rifles

Americans’ support for a ban on semi-automatic guns in the U.S. has dropped eight percentage points from a year ago, when opinions were more evenly divided after the mass shooting in Las Vegas. Last year’s measure was unusually high for the trend over the past several years; the current 40% is back to within a few points of where it was between 2011 and 2016.

The current 40% support for an assault rifles ban is below the historical average of 47%. The latest data provide further evidence that public opinion typically shifts to higher support for tougher gun laws in the aftermath of a traumatic national event such as a mass shooting, but gradually reverts to prior levels as the memory of it fades.

I understand the numbers but the phrasing is AWFUL and once again, we see that folk yammering about stuff they don’t know about.

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ICYM – Massachusetts Law Bans Ownership of “Assault Weapons” Whatever Those Are…

Words mean things. I think we’ve made that clear. But this isn’t Massachusetts.

A Massachusetts statute prohibits ownership of “assault weapons,” the statutory definition of which includes the most popular semi-automatic rifles in the country, as well as “copies or duplicates” of any such weapons. As for what that means, your guess is as good as ours. A group of plaintiffs, including two firearm dealers and the Gun Owners’ Action League challenged the law as a violation of the Second Amendment. Unfortunately, federal district court judge William Young upheld the ban.

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Boulder, Colorado Bans “Assault Weapons”

Boulder Daily Camera Image- City Council passed assault weapons banThe Washington Times reports that the very liberal Boulder, Colorado City Council just passed an assault weapons ban within the city limits.

DENVER — The Boulder City Council voted Tuesday to ban “assault weapons” in the aftermath of the Parkland mass shooting, despite vows from gun-rights advocates to challenge the ordinance in court.

The council agreed unanimously to prohibit the sale and possession within city limits of certain semi-automatic firearms, as well as bump stocks and ammunition magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds.

In the aftermath of Parkland. And I just (JUST) got done pointing out again that the evidence continues to prove that the problems in Parkland were the result of public employees and progressive policies. Who wants to bet the same is true in Boulder?

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Scared Shurtleff

Deputy Dawg Stephen Shurtleff, the same who wants to limit our ability to defend ourselves against bad guys, appears happy to let drunks aim their cars at us. House Bill 496 would restore ‘limited driving privileges for eligible first-time DWI offenders to facilitate employment, rehabilitation, and medical treatment.’  


“Life is tough, but it’s tougher when you’re stupid.”  —John Wayne 


/ê sôlt/ (Verb) To make a physical attack on.  ex. “She assaulted that child!”

(Noun) A physical attack. ex. “His imprisonment for an assault on the film director”; A series of “sexual assaults”.


/´wepên/  (Noun) A thing designed or used for

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Gun-control massacre of civilians

by Tom

Militia opens fire on government forces…

BOSTON – Police and National Guard units seeking to confiscate a
cache of recently banned assault weapons were ambushed Sunday by
elements of a para-military right wing extremist faction.

Military and law enforcement sources estimate that 72 were killed and
more than 200 injured before government forces were compelled to

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The Democrats’ War on Women

Why do Democrats want women to be defenseless in the face of rapists and murderers? Why do Democrats want to ban self-defense when when violent criminals break in to our homes? At, we report, you decide. (But anti-gun Democrats are insane.)

Response to Nancy Parsons Questions about Objections to Obama’s Gun Control Policies

by Don

Perhaps other people wonder about the questions in Nancy Parson’s letter of January 18, 2013 in the Laconia Daily Sun.  (See: ) My beliefs are based on the following: True safety requires consideration of reality not wishes. If anyone is hurt during a crime, it should be the criminal not the intended victim.  Criminals will ignore gun laws and get the guns they want.  Lack of accurate information causes many people to irrationally fear guns in the hands of law abiding Americans.

First.  I lived most of my life outside of New Hampshire in states with very restrictive gun laws so initially it felt strange to see armed civilians.  All those other states have much higher crime rates than New Hampshire, and I feel much safer in New Hampshire where criminals aren’t assured of helpless victims.

Second.  A common question among people who know nothing about guns is about “how many bullets does one need?”  The answer is, it depends.

Anyone who thinks you only need one or two bullets should go to a shooting range (there is one in Belmont) and shoot at a target (they’ll help you).  Then consider how hard it is to hit a flying bird or a running, jumping and turning animal.

Self-defense is another matter.  To an unpredictably moving target, add in surprise, fear, perhaps terror, attempts to corral and calm children, calling the police for help, perhaps an angry attacker shooting at you, and our natural hesitancy to shoot another human.

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Competition Shooter Jessie Duff Takes Us To School

Nothing puts a debate about firearms into perspective like holes in sheet metal.  So here is professional shooter Jessie Duff showing us what kind of damage you can do with various weapons to make a point.  That the lefts caterwauling has no point.   H/T Laura Rambeau Lee –

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