So, Democrats, What Exactly is a Non-Assault Weapon?

Assault: n. A violent physical attack, as with blows. n. A strong or cutting verbal attack. So, by repeatedly calling anyone in middle-America who is not a Democrat “racist” the American media is an assault weapon. It’s true.

Related: NH Democrats Pappas and Kuster Co-Sponsor Major Gun-Grabbing Legislation

Those faces-covered Antifa blokes in their black hoodies wielding devices that cause more deaths than firearms are an assault weapon. With the exception of the working-class Trump-voting Dems, the entire left is an assault weapon.

At Common Law, an intentional act by one person that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent harmful or offensive contact.

Assault is what you do with the thing, which President Trump stated about as clearly as you can with regard to firearms when he said, “It’s not the gun that pulls the trigger. It’s the person holding the gun.”

And we know that. But the left likes to manipulate language. They like to assault our intelligence. Such that there are entire generations that have a collective consciousness which includes the invertebrate-like term assault weapon in the Left’s preferred context. 

Okay, so what is a non-assault weapon?

More importantly, and this should be of particular interest to “lawmakers,” how should law enforcement and the judicial system address the differences? For there to be “assault weapons” which you have defined for the purpose of their regulation there must be non-assault weapons. 

If we can have assault with an assault weapon, then we have to have Assault with a non-assault weapon.

Your rules not mine.

So, what are they? These non-assault weapons.

Let me know when you’ve figured it out. No, I’m not holding my breath. And no, I’ll not even begin to take your “assault weapons” blather seriously until you have answered the question. And neither should anyone else.

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