Assault Weapons – Chuck Woolery’s thoughts

by Skip

Chuck has another video out – this time his take on why he needs his assault weapon.  After all, “…to blame assault weapons for these tragedies would be like blaming airplanes for the 9/11 attacks.  The problem lies with the perpetrator and not the tools used to commit the crime” “Our Founding Fathers wanted every … Read more

No Firearms Ban Coming? Think Again.

“If I could have banned them all – ‘Mr. and Mrs. America turn in your guns’ – I would have!” —California Senator Diane Feinstein, appearing on NBC News’ 60 Minutes, February  5, 1995

When reading the above quote, which time was Senator Feinstein being sincere? When she said this in 1995? Or, when she said recently,

(This legislation) will be carefully focused on the most dangerous guns that have killed so many people over the years while protecting the rights of gun owners…”

“While protecting the rights of gun owners” says Senator Feinstein. Which is it?

Yes! The Anti-gun left in America is speaking out and their talking points go something like this:

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Weapons of Mass Destruction

According to the National Right to Life folks, 1.2 million unborn children were killed by Planned Parenthood and its ilk via abortion in 2011.  According to the Brady Campaign, 12,179 people (children and adults) are killed each year by guns or gun-related crimes. So, unborn children are 98 times more likely to die at the … Read more

What The Heck Is An “Assault Weapon?”

“Hoplophobia is a mental disturbance characterized by irrational aversion to weapons, as opposed to justified apprehension about those who may wield them.”—Col. Jeff Cooper.

Colonel Jeff Cooper: USMC, Firearms Instructor, Writer

Gun Grabbers are seeking an, “Assault weapons” ban in knee jerk response to the heinous and dreadful Newtown Massacre. There is little discussion about Adam Lanza or the victims from whom he lawlessly and barbarically snatched life.

Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly likes to refer to these black scary guns as, “Heavy weapons” (and still we have no clear and articulate definition on what heavy weapons are) So exactly what is the anatomy of a black scary gun these gun banners seek to vanquish from our hands?

The term, “Assault Weapon” is a redundancy created to assist an anti-gun pathos.  The definition of Assault in its simplest form is, “a physical attack.” A weapon defined in simple terms is, “any device used to injure, defeat, or destroy.”

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Will Terie Norelli And The Democrats Try To Ban My Refrigerator?

My Fridge has a modified magzine in it
Will Demcrats try to ban my ‘Fridge because its got a modified magazine in it?

I think it is appropriate to add this picture (right) to Susan Olsen’s post.  The one with the Journalist’s Guide To Firearm’s Identification.’

This is my refrigerator door.  It was modified by the manufacturer to accommodate an extra magazine capable of holding all manner of ‘lethal’ ordinance.  Soda.  Beer.  Water, in those earth destroying plastic bottles, paid for with a plastic card, slid through a device made of plastic, carried home in plastic shopping bags and yes…that fridge door modification is made of plastic.

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Marko Kloos: The Gun “Is” Civilization

perspective…presently needed…alas, I repost this magnificent piece by Marko Kloos.

Marko Kloos wrote this piece in March of 2007. It is worth sharing over and over. Please enjoy….

“Why The Gun Is Civilization” author, Marko Kloos

Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice of either convincing me via argument, or force me to do your bidding under threat of force. Every human interaction falls into one of those two categories, without exception. Reason or force, that’s it.

In a truly moral and civilized society, people exclusively interact through persuasion. Force has no place as a valid method of social interaction, and the only thing that removes force from the menu is the personal firearm, as paradoxical as it may sound to some.

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Liberals Lie about Guns … and frankly just about everything else

by Don

We can always count on James Veverka (on 12/19/2012 in the Laconia Daily Sun, to respond irrationally (hopefully he doesn’t have a gun), and suppress some, and misstate other, facts.

First. No “rightwinger”, no second amendment supporter believes there should be no controls on access to guns. But, they do believe criminals who use guns should be severely punished. Veverka’s claims to the contrary are lies.

Second. Contrary to depictions on liberal TV shows and movies, no gun owner I have ever met or know of “deifies” his or anyone else’s gun (perhaps just Veverka and his friends do that). NRA members recognize guns for what they are, tools that can be used for good or evil, tools that must be respected and carefully handled.

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Portsmouth Herald Editorial Board Has An Integrity Deficit

“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” —Mark Twain

Oh No Guns....and magazines...and ammoHoplophobia —n. Irrational, morbid fear of guns (c. 1966, coined by Col. Jeff Cooper, from the Greekhoplites, weapon; see his book Principles of Personal Defense). May cause sweating, faintness, discomfort, rapid pulse, nausea, sleeplessness, nondescript fears, more, at mere thought of guns. Presence of working firearms may cause panic attack. Hoplophobe, hoplophobic


Hoplophobes. The Editorial Staff  of the Portsmouth Herald/Seacoast Online epitomizes the very notion of that word.  With each sticky-sweet glass of Kool-Aid they drink, the self-convincing liberal pandering drunkenness sets ever deeper into their psyche of intellectual dishonesty.  Moral Bankruptcy is the standard-bearer for their

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Sober Talk From New Hampshire Democrats on Assault Weapons?

The Union Leader has an editorial out this morning that quotes some members of New Hampshire Democrat leadership as tip-toeing around the current wave of rhetoric and discussion on what to do about guns. Instead, they are asking what are probably important questions about mental health services but I suspect that their interest here is … Read more

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