Vara Safety biometric fast safe

Learn about Locked Handgun Storage

If you are an older gun owner, you will remember a time when guns did not need to be locked up at all times and most folks knew how to handle a gun properly. Times have changed since then and the majority of modern gun owners now store their firearms safely, under lock and key, … Read more

Second Amendment Sanctuary County

The Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement Comes to COOS COUNTY New Hampshire.

It is rather sad that a Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms (both the Second Amendment and Article 2-A) must be defended in this manner. But a tyrannical Government will never admit to being such – and it will always use phrases such as “common sense,” “safety and security,” “for the common good,” “keeping firearms out of the hands that shouldn’t have them.”

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Girl with handgun

A Good Guy With a Gun, Actually A Few!

by Skip

Democrats are hellbent on disarming the populace and chief amongst them here in NH is NH State Rep Katherine “you can’t shoot them but you can HIT them” Rogers (hitting a senior citizen lady while poll watching SIMPLY because Rogers hates the Second Amendment Rights that her victim stands for).

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Mao No guns

The left’s ultimate goal is confiscation of our guns

As might be expected after the horrible mass murders in El Paso and Dayton, the hard-left Democrats are calling for bans on high-capacity magazines and so-called assault weapons. But let’s take a look at what that really means, with a look back to the not too distant past when we actually had such bans in … Read more

NH Constitution

Er, WHICH Constitution is he talking about?

by Skip

Sometimes when high stakes things happen, things AREN’T always quite written as it should be.  Thus, I smiled when I saw this tweet: .@GovChrisSununu vetoes all three gun control bills not addressing specifics of any says laws now "well-crafted" and NH 2nd Amendment stronger than in U.S. Constitution. #nhpolitics — Kevin Landrigan (@KlandriganUL) August 9, … Read more

HB564 – Firearm restrictions in “safe” school zones. My testimony

by Skip

Yesterday the NH House’s Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee held a hearing on HB564 – a bill dealing with firearms in “safe” school zones in which the same Democrat politicians that believe that merely putting up a new law and a sign will actually make schools and children safer. Yes, attaching the word “safe” … Read more

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