Shannon Watts with Local Mom's Demand Hacktivists

The Good Guy With A Gun

By now we all know the story of Elisjsha Dicken breaking a trigger to stop a massacre. “Many more people would have died last night if not for a responsible armed citizen,” said Chief James Isom of the Greenwood, Indiana Police. Although, It did not take long for Shannon Watts of Moms Demand Action to get on Twitter and say,

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KY 2A Red Flag Rally

KY ‘Red Flag Law’ Protest Triggers Liberal Media

“How many ‘Red Flags’ Do You See in These Photos from Kentucky Gun Owners Swarming the Capitol?” is the headline from Yahoo! News, who shared an Equire post about the protests in Frankfurt on Friday. One thing is certain, the protestors that gathered to oppose a Red Flag Law in KY certainly triggered the liberal … Read more

Dover Legislator Seeks Repeal Of NH Second Amendment

“Over intellect will make you a genius, over emotions will make you a lunatic.” ― Amit Kalantri

Ridding Ourselves of Part First, Article 2A

Dover Democrat Peter B. Schmidt wants to snuff out your constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Representative Schmidt filed LSR#2020-2262 the title of which is,

Establishing a committee to study the repeal or amendment of the New Hampshire constitutional provision for the bearing of arms.

Not so many years ago, Leftists scoffed at 2A advocates and proponents, charging assorted paranoia and other tinfoil-hattery. “Nobody wants to take your guns away,” they arrogantly scoffed. They called us, “Ridiculous.”

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The Quest To Override Governor Sununu’s Gun Control Vetoes

Katherine Rogers and her cadre of Gun control freaks in Concord keep spinning yarns about reducing violence by gun control laws. What violence? Where specifically? The Governor vetoed their legislative screed. Now they will try and override that veto.

Assault Rep Katherine Rogers (D) Concord

Yes Indeed. It is pure nonsense. Fiction. A lie made out of whole cloth. The Leftist progressives up in Concord like Katherine Rogers and the Moms Demand Action crowd expect you to buy into that. Hook, line and sinker.

Governor Sununu was correct when he vetoed the three gun bills in Concord. Now the progressives in Concord are rallying the fellow travelers and the known rubber-spined RINOs to override the veto. They do not have the votes. Let us make sure we keep it that way.

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More Corporate Virtue Signaling

CVS, Walgreens and Wegmans are the latest corporate #MeToo virtue signalers. On Thursday, September 5, CVS, on their CVSHealth,com site released the following statement:

We support the efforts of individuals and groups working to prevent gun violence, and continually review our policies and procedures to ensure our stores remain a safe environment. We join a growing chorus of businesses in requesting that our customers, other than authorized law enforcement personnel, do not bring firearms into our stores.

Virtue SignalingThese retailers are the latest to divide

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Fudds are all around us. What is a Fudd? A Fudd is a gun-owner who supports and sometimes advocates for traditional hunting guns but favors gun controls and the banning of other guns such as handguns, tactical rifles, standard capacity magazines. These people misguidedly call said magazines, “high capacity” because they hold more than ten rounds.

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Shannon Watts

These Democrats in Concord are Numb Nuts

Right now, the Granite State is under siege from a barrage of gun control measures presently under consideration in the legislature. Gun control measures that are more reflective of states like Massachusetts, California, Maryland, Illinois and New York City. There is a bill for Universal Background checks (ah, but they do not call it that because they are liars). There is a seven-day waiting period bill and worst of all, a red flag law bill.

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Dr Seuss and Gun Grabbers

You can not, shall not have a gun,  This banning craze has just begun…  Guns and bullets make me ill,  Pass the Kool-Aid if you will…  You don’t really need a gun,  From violent criminals you can run!  And when the violent felons come …  You have scissors, but don’t you run!  And to defenseless … Read more

The Gun Maker’s Exodus Part II

“The number one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S.” —That “Happy Warrior”Vice-President Joseph Biden

MovingSign1That is what he said…and without much credibility because we know that vice president Biden is a stupid person. Alas, the “Happy Warrior.”  This quote is instructive, because on the one hand, vapid lip service is given to the importance of job creation, yet a legal…constitutional activity…gun manufacturing is under siege in the nation. But Joe and his cadre soldiers on…Perhaps he can join Charlie for a visit to Candy Mountain.

Several states, also home to major manufacturers of firearms, have undertaken legislative initiatives

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The Gun Industry’s Exodus

“Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas.”   —Joseph Stalin

Guns_The_ExodusOn Saturday, a Union Leader Editorial entitled, “Grabbing gun makers NH’s big opportunity” posited the question, “So why is the state not aggressively pursuing these companies and the jobs they would bring with them?”  The UL editorial named

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And Now For the Ammunition Ban

“If there are twelve clowns in a ring, you can jump in the middle and start reciting Shakespeare, but to the audience, you’ll just be the thirteenth clown” —Adam Walinsky

McCarthy_LautenbergWe’ve talked a great deal these past months about a potential gun grab. What went sleepliy unnoticed was Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy’s legislation introduced in July of last year, a bill to make the sale of ammunition “safer for law-abiding Americans”  who are sick and tired of the ease with which criminals can now anonymously stockpile ammunition for [sic] mass murder.

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Australia Gun Control Report Card

Insanity in individuals is something rare – but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.  Friedrich Nietzsche

Oh No Guns....and magazines...and ammoI am a member of a group on LinkedIn called “Hunting, Fishing and Outdoor Professionals.” In a discussion thread the question was asked, “How do you feel about the banning of AR’s and 30 round clips?”

Nobody defended the current administration’s advocacy for their so-called “assault weapons” ban. In fact all posting are against further measures. It is also important to note that the members of this group do not come strictly from the U.S., as there

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Buffalo Wild Wings Refuses Service to Police Officers…Because They were Armed

Nonsense is so good only because common sense is so limited. —George Santayana

Not_visiting Bufalo Wild WingsWelcome to the UK! no, just kidding…actually, one might have thought this joint was in the UK. This food chain would not serve armed Police Officers.

MANASSAS, VA — Eight police officers were refused service at Buffalo Wild Wings on Wednesday, apparently because they had their weapons displayed. As Reported in the Thin Blue line, Eight Prince William County Police officers on duty, but  in plain clothes,  walked into the Buffalo Wild Wings located near Wellington Road and Market Street, but were refused service by an employee who

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What If There Were A Governmental Fee Imposed For Going “Unarmed?”

“If people in the media cannot decide whether they are in the business of reporting news or manufacturing propaganda, it is all the more important that the public understand that difference, and choose their news sources accordingly.”  —Thomas Sowell

Vote for Bar-a-a-a-a-ack!
Vote for Bar-a-a-a-a-ack!

First, there is this story: “Rep Fred Maslack sponsored a bill to register “non-gun-owners” and require them to pay a $500 fee to the state. Thus Vermont would become the first state to require a permit for the luxury of going about unarmed and assess a fee of $500 for the privilege of not owning a gun.”

So there it is. Once again, it is taking flight around the internet as if this is recent news. But…In all reality, Maslack proposed the bill in 2001. Yep! Maslack has not been in the Vermont house for over ten years. This a great story…grabs some real traction

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Gratuitous Liberal Cowardice

“Heckling is an act of cowardice. If you want to speak, get up in front of the microphone and speak, don’t sit in the dark hiding. It’s easy to hide and shout and waste people’s time.”    Billy Connolly

Ben Sarro, Live and Local Morning Show host on 99.7 WNTK-FM in New London
Ben Sarro, Live and Local Morning Show host on 99.7 WNTK-FM in New London

Ben Sarro, morning host of WNTK FM 99.7 related to me an anonymous e-mail he received from a listener. Ben had Jenn Coffey on  this morning from the Second Amendment Sisters. From the context of the e-mail…sent anonymously, the discussion likely encompassed self-protection and police response times.

“You both made comments about people who live too far from police coverage and how risky it is for them to be safe when the police are so far away. To me, this felt like fear mongering. How many times does this happen really? Are there documented cases in New Hampshire of people calling the police for protection,

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Gun Grabbers and the Firearms Commerce Stream

“A charlatan makes obscure what is clear; a thinker makes clear what is obscure.” —Hugh Kingsmill (British writer and critic. 1889-1949)

Ammo ShortageUSA Today: February 13, 2013: “Gun Dealers Report Shortages of Ammunition”

The Inquisitor: 2/18/2013: “The Great Ammo Shortage Of 2013 Continues.”

CNN Money: 3/12/2013: “Gun shops face massive ammunition shortage”

Huffington Post: 1/16/2013: “Ammo Shortages Widespread, Gun Stocks Surge As Obama Pushes For Tighter Controls .”

The Daily Caller: 2/18/2013: “Gun dealers report striking ammunition shortages.”

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More Liberal Lies About Background Checks

“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”  —Mark Twain

biden-malarkeySince  January, Gun Grabbers have been tossing numbers around in support of why we need universal background checks. President Obama parroted the talking point back in January stating, “As many as 40 percent of guns are purchased without a background check.”

The New York Times, USA Today, The LA Times, the Washington Post, The Brady Campaign, and a whole host of others have repeatedly made the claim. On January 24, however, Professor John Lott, in writing for

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