Pinocchio with long nose

Disney To Launch New Pinocchio Network

After watching their quarterly earnings drop for a seventh consecutive time the masters of programming at Disney believe they have just the venture to overturn their capsizing business. Seizing on the spot soon to be vacated by a failing CNN network that can barely pull five hundred thousand viewers for their prime time programming, Disney … Read more

Alec Baldwin - Twitter screen grab (Jack Prosobeic

The Baldwin Defense

The FBI has now confirmed what everyone familiar with guns knew anyway:  The only way that the gun used by Alec Baldwin to kill Halyna Hutchins could have fired was for him to cock the gun and pull the trigger.

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Alec Baldwin – New Hampshire Dem Darling – Arrested (again)

by Tom

Word is just getting out that Alec Baldwin was arrested for assault (again) in a Manhattan “parking spot altercation”. It’s the little things. If you recall, the New Hampshire Democrat Party recently held their annual fundraiser and invited Alec Baldwin to be their honored speaker.  The Democrat darling has a long history of anger (some … Read more

Pine tree flag

Pine Tree Ramblings Vol 11

by Tom

File under “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder” (although I should change this to “Leftism is a Mental Disorder” since “Liberal” just seems too nice and flowy). It’s time again for Ray Buckley’s appeal to New Hampshire Democrats to buy tickets to their annual fundraising dinner (nice GIF, Buckles). That’s not really a story worth telling – but the … Read more

Jeff Woodburn Should Introduce Alec Baldwin at the NH Dem’s “Identity-Crisis” Dinner

Tone deafness isn’t intentionally written into the New Hampshire Democrat Party Platform, but hypocrisy is. So, it makes sense that the same so-called “party of women” thought it would be a great idea to re-name their Jefferson-Jackson dinner (Men who had slaves!) the Kennedy-Clinton Dinner (Men who had sex slaves.)

This year the Democrats identity-crisis dinner is named after Eleanor Roosevelt (I guess Weiner Weinstein was out of the question?) but then invited Alec Baldwin as their keynote speaker.

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Alec Baldwin – Card Carrying Member of the Liberal Aristocracy

Alec Baldwin Hyporite
Alec Baldwin card carrying left wing hypocrite. (Photo Credit – AP)

When you are a member of the protected class you can do whatever you want without fear of being treated like the regular people.  Alec Baldwin is a rich, connected, member of the liberal aristocracy.  When he cries out for the occupy movement and the 99% no one asks him how he can simultaneously accuse rich bankers of malfeasance while being a the paid spokesman for one of the largest banks in the world–Capital One.

But if you ask Alec Baldwin what’s in his Wallet, he might suggest you be stoned to death (circa 1998), launch a sexist attack (more recent), or spew racist hatred at you (quite recent), without fear of repercussion…. because he’s Alec Baldwin.

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