Let’s All Watch Alec Baldwin Blame the Gun

When there’s a shooting, Dems quickly blame the tool, not the person using it. Forks and spoons make people fat, and smartphones and keyboards, not people, create mean tweets.

That’s just silly unless we’re talking firearms.

Alec Baldwin makes a living pretending to be other people but underneath, like many in his profession, is a tool of Marxist rhetoric. Part of that plan is civilian disarmament with which he is “all in.”

It’s the person, not the tool unless the tool is Alec Baldwin who happens to be a Democrat.

The correct resolution to that problem (of accidentally murdering people on movie sets), if we’re Alec Baldwin, should be to ban all firearms or anything that looks like one (though he did suggest paying police officers – maybe some of the defunded ones?) to supervise these props in the future.

In other words, blame the gun, and if something goes sideways, blame the cop, and the prop. As long as it’s not Alec Baldwin.

If this sounds backward and confusing we’re trying to rationalize left-wing thought which is, itself, crazy.

Read These – It Will Help

Ian Underwood has a great series exploring all of the things that went wrong that might not be ‘The Gun.” Read them or reread them, especially if you think like Alec Baldwin because a gun is a tool, much like Alec, whose proper handling requires a basic understanding of physics, engineering, and human nature.



Alec Baldwin is blaming the gun. At least he’s sticking to that script. It’s not his fault. Actors are too stupid to have even a basic understanding of firearms safety or are too important to have to bother, both of which he has demonstrated to be true.

And someone is dead.

Enhanced background checks for actors. Mandatory safety instruction. Or how about, no more guns in films!

Why isn’t Mom’s Demand Action or Everytown for Gun Safety on Set?


Featured Image Credit: iFunny.co

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