Pine Tree Ramblings Vol 11

by Tom

Pine TreeFile under “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder” (although I should change this to “Leftism is a Mental Disorder” since “Liberal” just seems too nice and flowy).

It’s time again for Ray Buckley’s appeal to New Hampshire Democrats to buy tickets to their annual fundraising dinner (nice GIF, Buckles).

That’s not really a story worth telling – but the naming of this dinner is.  Until 2016, the NH Democratic Party followed most other state party groups in naming their annual fundraiser the “Jefferson-Jackson Dinner”, claiming these two Presidents as founders of their party  For the sake of argument, we’ll ignore the fact that Jefferson was essentially a Libertarian (which is spelled similarly to “Liberal”…so?) and Jackson, while a Democrat, actually fought against and succeeded in removing the National Bank at the time.

Nonetheless, as the Democratic Party recently burgeoned into the Democratic Socialist Party we see today, and began shutting down all free speech they disagreed with, they got caught in their own trap of newspeak, leaving them no choice but to abandon their adoration of the slave-holder and Indian-killer.  “But what”, Ray asked, “should we call our new-and-improved soiree pyjama?”

Can it get any better…er, sadder than this?

In September, 2016, the NH Democratic Party chose William J Clinton and John F Kennedy as their new totems, renaming their fundraiser the “Kennedy-Clinton Dinner”.  Well, isn’t that special?

Let’s break down all the wrong in them choosing these two as figureheads.  Claiming to be the “Party of Women”, our beloved, local Democrats chose to honor the two most prolific womanizer-Presidents that come to anyone’s mind.  Clinton became the first and only elected US President to be impeached, due to his obstruction of justice and perjury while lying under oath relating to an extra-marital affair with a young intern.  And anyone with a cellphone can look up the string of other sexual misconduct violations this man has racked up (so far) during his political career.

slick willy women - Copy

Then there’s JFK.  From Tempest Storm to Marilyn Monroe to Judith Campbell, Kennedy was a playboy among playboys, his administration rife with cover-ups and corruption.  Conversely, I will add that Kennedy’s 1960’s Democratic policies mirror what most people would consider a moderate Republican today – oh, how the Democrat Party has fallen.  And like Jackson, Kennedy seemed to have a problem with the central banks (specifically the Federal Reserve), possibly being the catalyst to his assassination.  No Democrat alive today would argue for backing our currency with silver or gold or the righteousness and validity of the Second Amendment (or be a lifetime NRA member).

I can only assume that Ray Buckley had the final say on this choice.  Enough said.

But wait!  As the Leftist perverse state of self-awareness grew in 2018, they decided, yet again, that another name change was necessary!  This time, they abandoned reference to all males and chose Eleanor Roosevelt as their new schlemiel.

The wife of Democratic (Socialist, actually) President Franklin D Roosevelt, she was a member of an aristocratic, elitist family.  She was a proponent of globalism and the United Nations.  But I’m guessing she was chosen because she was a woman (another ingratiating nod to the #MeToo movement) and that her husband disqualified himself by also having an extra-marital affair and for imprisoning over 100,000 American citizens simply because they had Japanese ancestry during wartime.  Maybe her choice is just a simple nod to the Lesbian voting bloc.

Alec Baldwin

Adding to the circus that is Ray Buckley, NH Dems have secured none other than Alec Baldwin as the guest speaker for the dinner.  I can’t think of a more erratic, disturbed character to speak to a more erratic group of people.  Known for his lack of controlling a violent temper, Baldwin is sure to fire up the Leftist crowd at the dinner.  If there are any 11-year-old girls present, maybe he can call them a “rude, thoughtless little pig“.  And I would issue a warning to any photographers that might get too close to Alec.  Lastly, if any Republican politician happens to wander into the dinner, watch out for flying stones.

So, I pledge to continue monitoring the hot-swap dumpster-fire that defines today’s NH Democratic Party and will update you on their psychotic saga.  I’ll hedge a bet they eventually end up adding President Woodrow Wilson’s name to the event.  Why not?  Like Mrs. Roosevelt, he was an elitist advocate for globalism.  He also loved taxes and central banks (creating the Federal Reserve) and big government; the perfect role model for every Leftist.  Should I tell Ray that Wilson’s father was a Presbyterian minister in the Confederate Army?  Shhhh…don’t tell him.

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