Al gore breathing fire on the earth

Hypocrisy and Conflicts of Interest Flowed Freely …

Al Gore famously launched the climate-carbon crisis campaign with his alarmist proclamations of “inconvenient truths” about human warming of the planet. His repeated gaffes have since undermined his credibility, making “the boy who cried climate wolf” howl ever louder.

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Al gore breathing fire on the earth

Gulfstreams, Hookers, and Hot Air

You can not get more bloviating and narcissistic than having John Kerry and Al Gore together at the same conference. No two people have ever had a higher opinion of themselves than these two lifetime politicians.

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climate change truth

Climate Change

While half the Western world has been sold that the end is near, that CO2 is rising, and the Earth will become a water world, it’s actually nothing new. Earth was quite warmer in the Roman period and earlier. Things like figs and dates were grown in parts of Europe where they now can no longer survive in.

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7 oceans rising florida 12 days of global warming

The Twelve Days of Global Warming

I’m not sure we’ve ever shared this – my being unable to find it is, sadly, no indication either way. And yes, a better site search engine is still on the t0-do list. So, if we have shared it, apologies: It’s called the Twelve Days of Global Warming.

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Planet-of-the-humans Jeff Gibbs

Planet of the Humans: The Greed New Deal

Michael Moore is no darling of right-wing or conservative politics. In fact, he’s likely among the most despised for his persistent attacks on conservatives from his mostly far-Left stances. Which is why it was pleasantly surprising to see him as the executive producer of a documentary that takes a hard look at the illusion of … Read more

Polar bear (waving) Photo by Hans-Jurgen Mager on Unsplash

Baby, It’s Cold Outside

I’ve been waking up mornings, checking the temperature out on the porch and it’s typically below freezing since it is December. Then I turn the thermostat up a couple of degrees and get on with the day. Betting most of the rest of the people of this nation above the Mason Dixon are pretty much doing the same.

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Has ANYTHING actually happened that Al Gore has predicted?

And the folks over at Treehugger get mad when I tell them that I’ve been listening to this kind of dire prediction, to which ONLY Bigger Government is the answer, and none of them have come true. Yep, that’s me – the “denier”. (H/T: powerline)

The Climate “Theocracy” Consensus in Portsmouth, NH

Al_Gore_Fire bannerThe sort of folks who rant about the coming right-wing theocracy break ideological bread with the fundamentalist-environmental movement which gets us right to the point. The Portsmouth City Council is aflutter over a “climate conference” at which, to their surprise, Bjorn Lomborg would be a participant.

Lomborg believes in Global warming, the man-made sort, but not enough. He’s something of a heretic to the faith depending on whom on the Portsmouth City Council you ask.

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Global Warming Part 1: How Liberals Think

By Eddie

If you hadn’t heard – They are floating another name change for Global Warming.

(Image H/T: The Editors)

I know what’s going through your mind right now: “What? Liberals think?” As much as this might sound like an oxymoron, how liberals and conservatives come to certain conclusions is instructive. I might as well get this out of the way. I don’t have any special insight as to how liberals really think. I can tell you how I came to my conclusions and I have learned a lot based on responses to my earlier post on the topic of global warming.

For me it started in 2006. Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth came out and well, pretty much anything that Al says has got to be true, especially after all the work that he did programming the internet. I don’t think anything that anyone can say after that can convince me otherwise.

Did you actually believe that?

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Later This Week When It Warms Up…

Spring In Upstate new York taken 5-26-13 - 3 feet of snow
Spring In Upstate new York taken 5-26-13 – 3 feet of snow

By the end of this week New England will be back to being warm again.  When that happens, I’d like all the climate denier-deniers to remember that yesterday parts of the North East got three feet of snow.  That Alaska is having a winter several weeks longer than average.  That nationally, temperatures are down.  That globally temperature have been flat for 16 years and may be declining.  That I don’t feel all that comfortable putting any plants outside after June 1st for fear we might still be at risk for a very cold night or two.

What I’m trying to say is, it’s just weather.

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Pro-Global Warming Climate-Change Flat-Earthers Busted for Lying….AGAIN!

Shoveling **it

The Climate Flat-Earthers, the warming zealots who refuse to acknowledge any observation that contradicts the dogma of their pseudo-scientific faith,  were recently busted again.  This time it was Shaun Marcott who lied, accepted accolades for his lie, promoted the lie, and after getting caught backed off quietly, knowing that the same media that over-sold his lie would never over-sell the truth.

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