Baby, It’s Cold Outside

I’ve been waking up mornings, checking the temperature out on the porch and it’s typically below freezing since it is December. Then I turn the thermostat up a couple of degrees and get on with the day. Betting most of the rest of the people of this nation above the Mason Dixon are pretty much doing the same.

So it kind of fries me when I hear or read some idiot promoting this “climate change/global warming” nonsense. Please don’t give me the glaciers melting crap that’s been happening for thousands of years.

Forty years ago Al Gore claimed all the World’s cities by the sea would be underwater in ten years. As far as I’m currently aware, Manchester NH is not yet a seaport. Yeah, but then Al went on to buy an expensive mansion by the sea while getting rich jetting around promoting his scam (is “scam” the right word?).

Have any of those still dedicated to this nonsense told readers that eighteen freighters are currently trapped in the Arctic ice north of Russia and possibly could be there for months? No?

I suppose this and other real facts such as that polar bear populations are doing very well as is ice thickness levels at both Poles. Didn’t think so, it kind of pops their “World is gonna end!” theory as do temperatures on my back porch. And you know, this year is no aberration as year after year, decade after decade, winters have been wintery and summers summery ever since Mr. Gore started his “Chicken Little” dance.

It isn’t likely to change just because 97% of the “scientists” being paid to “study” the climate say so and would find themselves without a job if they can’t make their computer models dance to the right tune.

The fact is, without the grants these people get from special interest sources ( those who build and sell wind turbines, solar panels, and every other associated product imaginable), they would have to go out and get real jobs.

And this brings me back around to our government mandate for shutting down the pipelines, stopping the drilling, oil shortages that are crippling every aspect of our economy, and driving up prices for all we retirees, working families, poor, or anyone not rich enough to skate. I don’t care what party you belong to, it’s hurting us all.

The solution can only be to reject the nonsense and replace elected officials who are hurting you. There is nothing “better” about the current administration’s policies.

It hurts us here in America and other people around the globe. No one except politicians, special interest folks, Russia and China, and drug cartels are benefiting.

I’d like to think most of us in this country actually care. Get out and vote and save yourselves and all the rest of us too.

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