You can not get more bloviating and narcissistic than having John Kerry and Al Gore together at the same conference. No two people have ever had a higher opinion of themselves than these two lifetime politicians.
The Czar and the Conman, you figure out which is which, took center stage in Davos, Switzerland, this week and sucked the air out of the room. Kerry was there as the U.S. Climate Czar, and Al Gore was actually invited to address the convention of tree-hugging hypocrites. The organizers settled on Gore after Greta Thunberg had detention after her arrest this week.
John Kerry has been flying his private jet around the globe for years, telling anyone who would listen that he was there to save them and that he is always the most intelligent man in the room. He addressed the gathered and proclaimed to be one of the chosen. Good God, he says it with a straight face, and his disciples nod their heads in agreement.
Al Gore was invited because most of the people at Davos were not alive when he wrote An Inconvenient Truth: The Crisis of Global Warming. Nobody has predicted our extinction more times and obviously been wrong. The Greenies adore him, but he bombed in Switzerland like milk chocolate in the Texas sun. He went over the top, screaming to make his point. He invented new terms like “Rain Bombs” and told of the boiling oceans. Has anyone ever seen an ocean boil? Of course not, but with the hot air he spewed, we may see it for the first time.
His delivery was horrid, and his message was worse.
The organizers of the World Economic Forum will be asking for their speaker’s fee back, and no way they will validate parking for his private jet. Gore and Kerry were in good company with their private chariots as over 1,400 private jets landed at St. Gallen–Altenrhein Airport (ACH), bringing stewards of our climate to the WEF. Who would think you could gather that many hypocrites in one of the most beautiful hamlets in the Alps? There was so much carbon in the air that the Matterhorn is now gray.
The messages from Davos are fear and that no one on earth should own a gas-driven car. These elites can circle the globe in their carbon-spewing jets but if you need to get to work or the grocery store, walk. As these charlatans buy or build mega-mansions on the coast, and they tell us the rising oceans will obliterate the coastlines. Such drivel, but it wins Time Person of the Year, Nobel Peace prizes, and invitations to Davos. How can these people look at themselves in the mirror, and why do we give them any attention? Kerry, Gore, and maybe even Greta are laughing all the way to the bank. They are the carnival snake-oil salespeople of our time. We cannot shut them up, but we can ignore them. That is a poison these people cannot metastasize.
The last irony of the meeting was the condemnation of Twitter for allowing so much adverse dialogue about Climate Change. These zealots want to monopolize the conversation. No debate, no contrary opinion, just their rhetoric. They know their message is tainted, but if they can yell it loud enough without contest, the sheep will lap it up. How very weak the rich and powerful are. It is pathetic to watch, but we do.