Who Wants to Stand Between Parents and Groomers in NH? Granite State Progress

We know that HB1431 does not “out” children to their parents as described by Granite State Progress in this email to Governor Sununu:

As your constituent, I urge you to oppose HB 1431, a bill that would force teachers and counselors to disclose the gender identity or expression of LGBTQ+ youth to their parents.

Schools are sometimes the only safe place for LGBTQ+ youth, but this bill would require mandatory, immediate disclosure to parents about student club and extracurricular activities, school counselor visits, and changes in gender identity and expression at school, with no regard for whether it puts a student in harm’s way or outs a child before they can have a safe and loving conversation with their family.

This legislation would interfere in parent child relationships, put LGBTQ+ students in danger, and undermine school efforts to create an affirming, inclusive learning environment for all students.

It is impossible to predict what harm this could cause a child who comes from an anti-LGBTQ+ home, and is particularly concerning given the high rate of suicide and homelessness among LGBTQ+ youth.

This would be devastating to the lives of LGBTQ+ youth and I urge you to please oppose HB 1431.

Here are the facts:

  • HB1431 does not require the “outing” of kids questioning their sexuality or gender identity.
  • It does not “target” gay and transgender kids for discrimination or disparate treatment.
  • If a child wants to confide in a staff member at school that they are questioning their gender or sexuality, that is completely permissible under the bill.
  • However, if a child needs counseling, requests a change to their official record or requires “action by school authorities pursuant to school policies” then parents will be notified.
  • The bill also gives parents rights to information, transparency and other protections that are fundamental to the very difficult job of parenting and educating their kids.
  • For those tragic circumstances where parents constitute a risk to their children, we have existing laws and institutions to address those risks.


These progressive organizations are attempting to come between children and their parents, with no due process. One would think that if they were going to advocate for the State coming between parents and children, they’d at least target parents who have some sort of criminal issues that were directed at their children. Protecting children from abusive parents should be a priority for all of us.

But there is no reason to withhold information on children as a general rule. Where does it end?

In this case:

The Jacksons are filing the suit “on behalf of all other parents whose children were subject to physical examinations” and “given access to and/or distributed birth control without the parent’s knowledge, consent or opportunity to opt-out…,” the court papers say, adding that “the precise number of such persons is unknown…”

The Jacksons’ lawyer, Mary Marzolla, said that a physical exam and the administration of birth control constitute “health services,” and that providing those services to a minor without the consent of the parents or guardians violates Public Health law and parents’ rights.

State education law requires parental consent for health services, treatment, and remedial care. The School Health Examination Guidelines also say that distribution of condoms to high school students is a health service requiring parental permission.

As you can see, there are plenty of examples of school officials usurping parental rights and putting children in danger. Birth control pills are not without risks. Right now many females on birth control are experiencing blood clots after COVID. Those who are prone to strokes, because of blood disorders, are also at risk if they are placed on birth control pills. If a female student isn’t aware of this, she might not inform the doctor prior to prescribing the medication.

What People Taking Birth Control Should Know About COVID-19 and Blood Clots

Increasing evidence suggests that COVID-19 can cause blood clots, and the risk for those complications may be increased among people who are pregnant or who take estrogen-containing medicine (including some kinds of birth control). So researchers are warning that we need to learn a lot more about how these two factors could converge with potentially lethal results.

In a recent article, published last month in Endocrinology, the two authors lay out the emerging connection between COVID-19 and blood clots—and call for more research into how the coronavirus might impact those who are already at risk for developing blood clots.

There is a lot to consider when the State comes between a parent and child.

Call Governor Sununu and ask him to support HB1431. 603-271-2121



  • Ann Marie Banfield

    Ann Marie Banfield has been researching education reform for over a decade and actively supports parental rights, literacy and academic excellence in k-12 schools. You can contact her at: banfieldannmarie@gmail.com

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