So, NH State Rep Kimberly Rice Hates Parents and the Parental Rights Bill that Empowers Them Over School Boards.

by Skip

UPDATE!  The Senate Parental Bill of Rights has been accepted by the Committee of Conference.  There are a couple of line differences between the House and Senate so there will be a vote next Thursday.  Then Gov. Sununu has to sign it.  YAY!

NH State Rep Kimberly Rice was “demoted” from Chair and Majority Leader Jason Osborne took over.  This session was over in a hurry.

Consider this an add-on to Ann Marie’s Parental Rights post (“Democrat Senator Jay Kahn Leads Republican Senators to Oppose Parental Rights in NH“), except instead of being about HB1639  about in-school CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey, this is about the fundamental role of Parents in raising their children WITHOUT Government interference.

The state, any of its political subdivisions, including, without limitation, any school board, school district, or school administrative unit, any other governmental entity shall not infringe on the fundamental rights of a parent to direct the upbringing and education of his or her minor child without demonstrating that such action is reasonable and necessary to achieve a compelling state interest and that such action is narrowly tailored and cannot be achieved by less restrictive means.


In other words, the default IS that Parents are in charge – and NOT have to “prove” to Government that they are fit parents.  When I testified for HB1431 (that puts Parents back in charge of their kids against the overreach of an encroaching part of Government – School Boards), a bill to codify the idea that Parents are in charge of their kids, it was clear that she didn’t want to deal with the bill, she didn’t really want to listen to folks like me during the hearings, and just wanted it to disappear. Now, having fallen for the idea put forward by the Left AND those whose wages are dependent on the Educational-Industrial Complete NOT losing their grasp on your kids, scuttlebutt is that she is the prime suspect on the Committee of Conference that should be reconciling the differences between the Senate and House bills on this matter, that will kill the bill completely.

While I had wanted to go it that CoC (and others – Life has intervened once again), I couldn’t. But it was clear from the newspapers that when it came to supporting parents, she caved. From the Union Leader (per normal, reformatting / emphasis mine):

The legislation would require teachers and staff to promptly report to parents any inquiry a student made into changing “gender expression or identity,” as well as joining any club or extracurricular activity. House Speaker Pro Tem Kimberly Rice, R-Hudson, said these late objections to the bill (HB 1431) were too serious and complex to resolve in the waning days of the 2022 session. “I don’t see any way we can support this. We would have to amend so much stuff to try and take care of people, and I don’t think we have enough time to deal with it,” Rice said. “I just think this is going to need a lot more work and that is something that can be worked on over the summer.”

And from the Keene Sentinel:

“It’s such a fine line between parental rights and the child’s rights,” Rice said. “I just want to make sure that we’re not setting kids up to self harm, to feel they have no one to talk to.” “Yes, there are a lot of great parents out there,” she added. “Unfortunately there are some not-so-great parents out there.

And that proves the point – Rice is ALSO now assuming, as law enforcement, school administration, and “advocacy groups”  that Parents are (and SHOULD BE held) guilty simply because of a School Districts say-so?  As her default position?

How about taking the side of Parents, Kimberly?  Your own words declare yourself guilty of prejudging Parents out of thin air.

“It’s such a fine line between parental rights and the child’s rights,” Rice said. “I just want to make sure that we’re not setting kids up to self harm, to feel they have no one to talk to.”

And that’s the Left having implanted that outlook within her.  Sorry, WHO is supposed to be in charge of raising kids, 360 degrees?  Yup, their PARENTS. But it is the school districts that believe that Parents should automatically judge Parents to be guilty of ANYTHING harmful to a child well before anything happens.  Remember, during my testimony, I TOLD them about the Clay County, FL, school system guidance counselor (someone to talk to??), Ms. Washington, that turned a 12 year old girl “trans” who became so conflicted that she then attempted suicide.

And the school said nothing to her parents.  Then the girl tried it again – the very next day.  Only THEN did the school called the parents. Their answer to the parents (“WHY didn’t you call us sooner?!?!?!?!?!”) was because of your Catholic faith, we judged feared that you would do harm to your child.

See, every parent is guilty.  And Kimberly Rice, with her non-concurrence, may well set this scenario up to happen here in NH. There are already three lawsuits against School Boards and one of them, Manchester, is SPECIFICALLY on this topic – hide the transgender status of any child from those nasty, uncaring, harmful Parents. Nice to see that the Republican Legislature is now siding with the Democrats that have infested school systems.

And you wonder, on such an important topic to “the base”, why the base doesn’t trust the Republican Party elected officials?  Don’t they remember that just a few short months ago that now Virginia Governor Youngkin RAN on such ideas – that Parents should be put back in charge that schools took from them?  That Florida Governor DeSantis is WAY up with the Republican base with fighting FOR parents?

Rice?  Not so much – certainly not showing the political courage to stand up to the vested interests (and yes, I count the NH DOJ and not an “uninterested” party in this) and standing FOR Parents.

Leaving Parents, for at least another year, having to deal with School Boards that look upon them with disdain (after all, they deign not to speak with us Parents during “Public Meetings”, right Gilford School Board), enact Policies that many believe to be wrong, and teachers (just watch the Twitter account of The Libs of TicTok) who believe that your child is theirs. that may well be killing off one of the most important bills this session for base -.  If you doubt me, haven’t you been reading GraniteGrok?  Quick Hint: “Stack of Stuff“.  What is it that I’m trying to convey?

Good going, Kimberly!  Remember, I am invested in this – I have had to SUE the Gilford School Board because they codified that they could lie to ME about the transgender status of my legal son.  And his elementary school Principal REFUSED TO DO SO when asked at the Gilford School Board meeting!  So, Kimberly, you would willingly condemn ME to be one of those pre-judged parents.

Thanks a bunch.  Now you’ve made it personal ALL OVER AGAIN.

So yes, Kimberly, I am one of those that, if you are the one that effectively kills this bill, will work to see that you don’t get elected.

Don’t protect MY Rights? I’m not going to protect your seat.

From the NH House Roster:

NH State Rep Kimberly Rice represents Hillsborough – District 37 (Hudson, Pelham)

9 Hickory Street
Hudson, NH  03051-4759
Seat #: 2005

And no, I’m not “outing” anyone – if anything, State Government did has as all I had to do is look her up on the NH.GOV site.

I have been getting calls all day today (hey, needed something to do while waiting for my laptop’s new AC Adapter to arrive and recharge my laptop – without juice, it’s just a very bad (albeit, very expensive) Frisbee) concerning this and a couple of other Committee of Conference bill deliberations.  The Rumor is that a LOT of folks are mad as hell over this – especially the donor class.  The grassroots can be ignored – and are too often. I can say what I want here at GraniteGrok but it can be ignored as well.

That donor class?  No, I think they can be ignored but only at your electoral peril. The absence of their money will speak FAR LOUDER than GraniteGrok; and they (yes, plural) made it known to me that this bill had better pass or there will be a few less digits in Republican campaign coffers in the fall. All up and down the ballot.  Are you listening, Steve Stepanek? Political Operatives / Campaign managers?  You’d best be calling Rice as well.

And I’m hearing that House Leadership is threatening to pull Rice and the other Rs, if necessary, from that CoC and replace them with people that will make this happen.  And they may do so because so much pressure is being put on them.

Consider GraniteGrok among that group – Sherm Packard, Jason Osborne: make this happen.  Do you remember what happened when I wrote about Frank Guinta, almost non-stop, for a year and a half?  I’m not saying the ‘Grok can repeat that performance but I’m up for it.

After all, MY School District doesn’t care about my concerns.

Don’t make it a double.




Committee of ConferenceHB1431
Report Not Filed

establishing the parental bill of rights.
Meeting: 05/17/2022 2:00 PM  Location: LOB 202-204Senate: Sharon Carson, Bill Gannon, Rebecca Whitley
House:  (C) Kimberly Rice, Debra DeSimone, Jodi Nelson, Denise Smith


Why is this so important?  This:

Teacher-I will be your mommy because your parents hate you

The only explanation I have is that she believes, like the teachers and School Boards all over the State, believe that kids belong to them; Parents are impediments and should be replaced – this sign is showing up in a lot of schools:


Present bill is HB1431



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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