Hate Mail: From, “I’m not going to identify myself” Masquerading as the 603 Alliance.


OK, I’m going to double down on this letter by using the above image – yes, it sends a First Amendment-protected message. Let’s also start with a review of our Foundational Law: the US Constitution’s Second Amendment and NH’s Article 2A.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

[Art.] 2-a. [The Bearing of Arms.] All persons have the right to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves, their families, their property and the state.

And remember, for context, “Arms” in that time period was meant to be the same as any military arms of that day and time (including cannons, contra Biden, in granting Letters of Marque, Article I, Section 8 ), given the purpose of both sentences. Note that it doesn’t list specific firearms but ANY weapon. I also add that an AR-15 is NOT an assault weapon nor a weapon of war.  An Assault Rifle possesses “select fire” – single shot, burst, or full automatic; that is a “weapon of war”.

I actually love getting these kinds of emails. Most of the time, they are rather poorly written and easy to make sport of.  This one is a bit more serious and trying to make a point – sorta – just that the points s/he is trying to make forget about almost all of the background material I’ve written over the years and especially the last coupla/three. Mostly, however, the intent is left rather flat.  That always seems to be that way when people send me such letters – and refuse to man up and sign their names.

In fact, this one tried to hide themself with this return address:


Hate mail 603 Alliance return address - abridged


Que droll.  Rather cowardly, seeing that I always attach my name to everything I write AND that s/he used the return address of the 603 Alliance.

Note also that it was mailed out yesterday (I edited out all the blank space between the return address and the location/date stamp).  And because I know very few guys that have such good handwriting, I’m going to refer to the writer as “she” throughout the rest of the post.

So, let’s do a bit of fisking, shall we (and the “letter” is found complete at the bottom of the post.

Dear Mr. Murphy,

I have read your columns for some time, as I like to read all views to test and challenge my own. But I have got to tell you that over time, I have noticed you becoming more and more entrenched, shrill, and you finally jumped the shark. This was emphasized by your posted picture in a teeshirt that declared you would never “comply” with a logo of a weapon. Never comply with what, Mr. Murphy … laws?

That would be this one:

I will not comply AR-15 Skip

It kind of runs against all your commentary and complaints -makes you sound authoritarian until the laws start to come for you -“rules for thee but not for me!”

I still hold that if you don’t like a law, obey it, but work to change it.  My wearing that T-shirt doesn’t invalidate that stance.  When laws are unconstitutional, are we supposed to STILL follow them?  And in this area of the Second Amendment, are my First Amendment Rights to Free Speech also canceled?  That I am not allowed to express my opinion or complaints? Or just be a sheeple – go along to get along, don’t make waves, keep my head down…..and bow a knee to those that would infringe, once “common-sense” regulation or law after another?  Accept the word of those that believe they are rightfully “my betters”?

That’s what you just said. Comply.  No matter what. No thanks.

I thought, and many other Second Amendment supporters agree, that the message it presents is that the Second Amendment, and the Right to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Which, if you’ve been staying at Hotel Under-A-Rock for the past few decades, let me clue you in: the Left is always trying to infringe on those Rights by trying to redefine both our common language and obviate others by the use of focus group approved “framing” with “common sense” being the latest chief amongst their verbiage choices.

Yet, it keeps happening – redefining standard magazine loads from conventional amounts of rounds to 15, down to 10, and now the latest number is only 5 rounds in a magazine (now being discussed in Congress by the Democrats and making all of us whose current magazine inventories are far larger than those immediate felons. So much for “Bills of Attainders” (Article 1, Section 9), eh, that are supposed to limit Congress for going after people by retroactively declaring their actions to be against the Law. Remember, US Senator Diane Feinstein made that clear when she said that if she had the votes, she’d take them all and her bills, which never passed thankfully, had hundreds of specific firearms listed and if you didn’t turn them in, even if legally bought at the time, would make you an automatic felon. Other Democrats have followed that and then put that bill on steroids in their own versions.

Too, as Grokster Ian pointed out in his “The Third Second Amendment Post“, the plain words have become “judge-ified” as well politicized. Beyond the constant redefinition by Leftist politicians that are looking to disarm law-abiding citizens, so are the action of judges decisions that always seem to ignore that “shall not be infringed” clause.  The list is long, but his main point is this:

The Second Second Amendment is from the oral Constitution, which is the one accepted by pretty much everyone:

That part of the right to keep and bear arms that is implicit in the concept of ordered liberty shall not be infringed unless there is a compelling government interest in doing so.

In simpler language, the Second Second Amendment says that it’s up to the Supreme Court to tell you what you can own, what hoops you have to jump through to buy or sell it, whether you have to register it, how you have to store it, where you can carry it, and so on.

And Democrats are ALWAYS saying that their common sense smoke and mirrors never infringe – but how is a Red Flag law is Constitutional if it strips us of yet another Constitutional value – that of Due Process? That Government has given itself the Power to take Private Property away from someone by secret proceedings in which you are not able to see your accuser or even know it is happening?  Limitations on this, limitations on that, limitations on these other things, but infringements?  And the gun grabbers are always wanting us to believe their premises are:

  • we have to DO something
  • Safety!
  • “Common-sense” gun safety laws

Which are neither “commonsensical” nor provide any safety at all. And less we forget, the phrase that is supposed to end all debate (unless you are anti-children and a sociopath maniac and “how DARE you stand up to me using logic and the Constitution” is:


So with all that said, let’s continue:

And I have to tell you, your Granite Grok hat looks like it is festooned with a hamster in that photo. It was just not a good look -I imagine you thought you looked serious and tough but it came off looking … well. .. feeble.

Let me start off by being pedantic – it’s GraniteGrok. One word, not two. And sometimes a picture is just a picture without reading anything into it that isn’t there. Having just achieved “Senior Citizen Status” with grey hair rather obvious and the “turkey wattle” for a neck (having lost 70 pounds), I’ve only always described myself as an ordinary schlub. The pic was not about me but it was about the meaning of the image.

And if you’re only seeing hamsters, I can’t help you with that.

As time marches on, I have noticed that there are few events that don’t lead to you quack about “the left,” which is a scarcely disguised language for anyone whose views differ from yours. You don’t want to solve problems -you want to pontificate and it is starting to make you look sillier and sillier.

Let me remind you – it’s what bloggers do. We point out issues, and we point out when people go off the rails. We DO pontificate – it’s part of the definition. It’s a constant blog fodder feed.

As far as solving problems,  as we point out how “the Left” (which also includes “Main Street”/Progressive Republicans) has gone astray, we are also pointing out what the solution should be. We do expect, given the caliber of most of our readers, they understand “the rest is left to the reader” means we believe they are smart enough to see said solutions.

But if you are confused, well, we can help. Your homework, first, is to read both Constitutions and the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers and there’s enough on Locke here on the ‘Grok to get you started.  Then let us know what you can’t reason out for yourself.

Whenever you write that you are “filing a lawsuit” I think you expect others to quake in their boots, but anyone can file a lawsuit at any time -doing so does not mean you have unearthed a Watergate-sized plot. It just makes you sound like a drama queen, frankly.

Inserting words that I have never stated isn’t a good look on your part – strawman arguments are not persuasive. It is also clear that you haven’t read the important bits about WHY I filed and WHAT was being trammeled that was the root cause. Go back and do your homework on this as I’ve written enough that I’m not going to rehash it again.  Suffice it to say that the School Board severely overstepped its enumerated Powers by taking on new Powers to grant new Rights is it not entitled to pass out like dime story candy.  And the solution is contained therein as well.

And all the professionals and paraprofessionals that help “the Grandson” develop and thrive (and may he do so) -are they the school-based “groomers” you and your group get hysterical about?

I have put up post after post of teachers and school boards all over the nation that are doing such “grooming” – that is indisputable when teachers openly admit their actions.  Or are you telling us all that all of those posts are lies?  Trust me, I have not the time nor the skills to have made that all up.

I will say that the Gilford School Board has set the stage for it with their Policy JBAB that specifically instructs its staff to lie to Parents about the transgender status of their children. As previously posted, I asked my legal son’s Principal about his at a school board public meeting and she refused to tell me.

So on one hand you berate me for not offering solutions and now you berate for taking the actions to correct a major problem?

The Manchester School District lied by omission to the Mom that they helped turned her young daughter trans. How about the Parents in Clay County, Florida that found out their daughter’s guidance counselor turned her trans and she tried to commit suicide, not once, but TWICE before telling the parents?

Sorry, Q-Anon has nothing to do with any of this – but you have just told us where you lie on the political spectrum. And having written, along with Steve, Ann Marie, and other Groksters, you’d already know all this – but strangely seem to have suddenly lost your memory.

Or you aren’t really reading the ‘Grok as much as you purport…or not at all.

My guess is they are probably representative of 99.999% of school personnel -dedicated, likely underpaid, and devoted to the children they get to know and love. This drum-pounding regarding “parents’ rights” is another area of QAnon-grade craziness -it’s so interesting you would get on that train while taxpayers support the services for your grandson.

Who “owns” the children, she-who-refuses-to-sign-their name?  Who is responsible for them? Constitutionally, who has the authority?

SCOTUS has said Parents. Yet, school districts all over the nation are acting like they are the Parents – that is beyond dispute in so many areas and locales. Coercion of speech, violating religious beliefs, openly denigrating Parents authority, disparaging childrens’ parents:

Teacher-I will be your mommy because your parents hate you

Assuming that ALL Parents are guilty of being willing to harm their children, not being truthful with Parents, hiding information from parents, telling kids to keep “our secrets” from Parents, Transition Closets, Teachers deliberately misnaming after-school clubs and purposes, including sexuality ideology into curriculum.

In all of the above, teachers and school districts have been caught red-handed. Sure, all Q-Anon vaporware.  Resulting in real life lawsuits – and payouts in awards and damages.

By your own words, and using scare quotes for “parents rights”, you’re telling us that Parents are merely secondary in their children’s lives.

And perhaps your own kids have been the beneficiaries of government-led and supported programs, hmmm?

Yep, both the Eldest and Youngest are on disability from serving in the US Military in combat. So yup, government led but taxpayer funded programs.  I would say they EARNED that support – you?

And hey, if the government 1s so corrupt,

And in many cases, it is. Oh, much certainly works to government standards but remember Joe the Plumber after Obama scolded him that wealth is better shared?  Do you remember how Illinois government workers (all Democrats) meted out their retribution? Don’t get me started – it would rather embarrassing for you.

do you plan on refusing that Social Security check? Or Medicare?
I am guessing not …

Of course not – they TOOK my money from me without the choice of doing my own investing of my earned money. Heritage estimates that someone’s ROI on the money taken from them can be as low as 1.2%.  It’s not free money, it’s a mandatory earned benefit. Yes, I’ve been taking back my money for a bit now. And yes, I can still get taxed on my SS income and I’m still having to pay into Medicare.  And no, I don’t have a choice on the latter as decisions have been made to that a beneficiary MUST take both or take neither.

That would be rather stupid – you’ve just set lots of $100 bills on fire for years.

From a Friend

Sorry, but forgive me for thinking that you are NOT my friend.

Hate mail From A Friend Return Address


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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