Floating Wind farm

‘Green Leap Forward’

In the book Mao’s Great Famine, author Frank Dikötter describes in vivid detail the period between 1958 and 1962 where an estimated 45 million Chinese people were worked, starved, or beaten to death in a mad rush to overtake the Western world as measured by agricultural and industrial outputs.

Global Warming Bad News Bears, Sea Ice, and Climate Cult Narratives

Imagine an animal rights activist telling you that black bears eating trash in New England neighborhoods were signs of global warming. It’s actually a sign of people leaving trash out and bears discovering how much easier it is to find food. But that’s not how the narrative works.

Keith F Thompson headshot 4

Brookline Town Employee Wants to Cancel Republican-Owned Small Business

Al Fulchino, owner of Fulchino Vineyard in Hollis, expressed dismay at Nashua Alderman Jan Schmidt calling my Save Women’s Sports flag a “hate flag,” commenting on Facebook, “She is out of her mind…”

Empty stage

Good for me, but not for Thee (An immorality Play in one short, scary act)

Satire: “Irony or caustic wit used to expose folly, vice or stupidity.” The American Heritage Dictionary. The scene is a Hollywood celebrity’s mansion in the Hamptons. A group of Democratic National Committee-appointed Socialist elites has gathered to plot its strategy for the 2020 general election. The chairperson has just arrived, so let’s listen in. 


How to Celebrate in Style

Whether it’s your birthday, anniversary, graduation, or some other excuse to celebrate, it’s always worth going the extra mile to make it all the more special. Even if you’re someone who prefers to do things more low-key, that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate in style. If you have a special occasion or a reason to … Read more

Uber-Wealthy Barack and Michelle Have Yet to Drop Even a Dime in Joe’s Lunchbox

Words are nice. We use them every day. But when it comes to running for higher office, money talks. It says so much that the Left’s rants about how money isn’t speech make even less sense. Or how speeches about getting Joe elected to the Oval office mean less when those making them can’t part … Read more

Obama Middle Finger

Another Knee-Jerk Reaction from Obama Who Suffers from a Severe Case of Shaky Legacy Syndrome

The Bamster has had a rough few years. All his so-called signature achievements have been or are being rolled back or unraveled by his successor. It’s enough to make a narcissist like Barack Obama go crazy with the narratives.

Photo by Lexey Swall Photography, courtesy of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Cold War Era Doomsday Clock ‘Recycled’ in the Service of Climate Change

The Union of Concerned Scientists are nothing more than left-wing activists and have been decades. I call them the Union of Concerned Socialists. We’re not advancing Socialism so here’s some scary crap we made up to help. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (The Doomsday Clock Folks) are no different.

Image - BBC Venice canals run dry again

30-Years After Venice Was Supposed to Be Underwater the Canals are Running Dry

Venice is a shining city in a swamp. From time to time, being surrounded by water, it floods. When it floods the Climate Cult emerges, sometimes dressed in climate drag, to moan and wail about our modern sins. When it’s not flooding, they preach the fear of flooding. So, what about this?

March for Life

NH March for Life Starts Tomorrow Morning, Sat. January 11th.

We shared this in the right sidebar, but if you missed it, the NH March for Life is tomorrow. We have included the full schedule of events and links for you to follow.

N.H. House and Senate Convene January 8; Votes Expected On Trafficking Bill and Marijuana Commercialization

N.H. House and Senate Convene January 8; Votes Expected On Trafficking Bill and Marijuana Commercialization State House action resumes on Wednesday, January 8, when the House and Senate convene for their first sessions of 2020. Here are Cornerstone action alerts on two bills held over from 2019. Please call or email your legislators today! This is … Read more

Bet You Didn’t Hear This – New York’s Hinkey Climate Lawsuit Against Exxon has Been Dismissed

Back in 2016, left-wing environmental groups and their wealthy donors teamed up with like-minded attorneys general. Together they formulated a plan. Use the force of law to silence dissent: Sue climate deniers. The bigger, the better.

Emerald Maldives Resort and Spa

Sea Level Rise? Exclusive 120 Villa Resort Opens on “Doomed” Island

No one spends 14 million on beachfront if it is going to be underwater in a few years. But Michelle and Barack Obama did. So, it only follows that the same thinking applies to even bigger money to build a new luxury accommodation 120-villa resort on a doomed island in the Maldives.

Elijah Cummings Funeral – Obama Mentions Himself 30 times in 15 Minutes

Nothing say’s it’s all about me like anything involving Barack Obama. So, Elijah Cummings Funeral is no exception. POTUS 44 has 15 minutes to eulogize the former Congressman and used the time to talk about Barack Obama.

Poll: Michelle Obama Would Win New Hampshire Democrat Presidential Primary

If you were looking for evidence of the vapidity of Leftists, this FPU- Boston Herald Poll is your ticket. New Hampshire Democrats would pick Michelle Obama over all those other Democrat Socialist Marxists.

Dirty Dan Feltes

Barack Obama Doesn’t Believe NH Democrat Dan Feltes, You Shouldn’t Either

Democrat Dan Feltes is fundraising off false fear. In his latest email titled, “Friends, we are facing a global crisis,” he warns that the world is in danger from Climate Change. 

Democrat Leadership?

Hypocrite Alarm! Green New Deal Backers! Hypocrite Alarm!

Warning, Hypocrite Alarm! Green New Deal Backers! Hypocrite alarm! If those running for president really believe what they say, and that’s a big if, it is time to practice what you preach. Most of the Democratic Socialists running for president are pushing to implement the Green New Deal. They tell us it is supposed to … Read more


Using Taxes to Control Diet

Using Taxes to Control Diet. Do you have a problem with that? Bernie is now suggesting a ‘Meat Tax’ to combat climate change. This nuttiness is getting personal. Nutty unaffordable programs are Democratic Socialist staples. But messing with dinner choices is making things serious. Using taxes to control Diet The Leftists are proposing, in all … Read more

autumn tree leaves

Hello September! Wait, Where’d August Go?

Summer slips away quickly when you’re busy — blogging, for example. Soon we’ll be forced to look across our laptops at autumn leaves that need raking. Wondering to ourselves, if we have them, where’d my kids go? 

Trump Speech shutdown Border immigration

President Trump’s Speech: Border Security and The Government Shutdown

On Saturday, January 20th, at 4 pm the President gave a thirteen-minute speech on border security and the government shutdown. If you missed it, we have the transcript and the video for your review. [Begin Transcript] Just a short time ago, I had the honor of presiding over the swearing in of five new great … Read more