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Real Progress Versus the Progressives

Depending on one’s perspective, technology can be viewed as either an opportunity or a threat. Some people celebrate technical advances, while others show disdain. Entrepreneurs are frequently eager to capitalize on the potential advantages of new technologies, but where entrepreneurs see room for dynamism, naysayers see doom.

Planet-of-the-humans Jeff Gibbs

Planet of the Humans: The Greed New Deal

Michael Moore is no darling of right-wing or conservative politics. In fact, he’s likely among the most despised for his persistent attacks on conservatives from his mostly far-Left stances. Which is why it was pleasantly surprising to see him as the executive producer of a documentary that takes a hard look at the illusion of … Read more

Lawnmower, mower, lawn Image by Pexels from Pixabay

They’re Coming for Your Lawn Mower

When Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-CA) unveiled her ridiculous Green New Deal three years ago, her ‘fact sheet’ lectured us about the perils of cow farts and the need to eliminate airplanes, while simultaneously waxing poetic about the need to financially support those who are “either unable or unwilling to work.”

Crescent Dune Solar Plang

Michael Moore Considers if “Green Energy” is an Illusion

We all want a clean, healthy environment.  We all want inexpensive and reliable energy, from whatever source, that enables us to prosper, have a healthy environment, and live healthy lives.  And, we want these for ourselves and for future generations.


Paging Alexandre Solzhenitsyn

I have only touched on his seminal tome, The Gulag Archipelago, though it is on my list of to be read books, the stack of which is growing faster than my available time to read.  But his observation, above, echoes another fantastic quote:


Let’s Elect Principled Conservatives, Not Democrat-Donors

One of the most hotly contested Republican primaries for September promises to be the race for Executive Council District 5. And although the Executive Council is relatively obscure to most New Hampshire voters, it is, in fact, one of the more powerful elected bodies in the state.

Senator “Jeb” (Yet Again) Unleashes his Inner-Democrat

This: Net metering is a euphemism for forcing electricity providers to purchase excess electricity generated by Solar at the retail rate (not the lower rate that it would cost the electricity provider to produce the electricity itself). Solar … and other so-called “renewable” energy … are NOT alternatives to fossil fuels. At this point in … Read more

Carol McGuire newsletter update – Jan 10, 2020

To my constituents in Allenstown, Epsom, & Pittsfield: Happy new year, and welcome back to legislative action. This year, we have about 900 bills to deal with, and a distressing number of them are bills that vetoed last year (or killed in the Senate for fear of a veto.) I am prime sponsor on five … Read more