Girard Denounces Defund the Police Rallies Targeting Manchester

MANCHESTER, NH June 17, 2021—”The story written by John DiStaso in his NH Primary Source column is disturbing to say the least. That the NH Youth Movement, whatever that is, has “targeted” Manchester as a place that needs to defund police is as disturbing as it is dangerous.

Tyranny, targeting and suppression

Tyranny Targeting and Suppression

The media and the Left aren’t satisfied with controlling the White House and both chambers of Congress. They want revenge. The Left wants to punish anyone working in the Trump administration. They also want to punish Trump’s supporters.

star of David Isreal The Jews

A Quarter of 2019 European Hate Crimes Target Jews

On the European continent, there were a total of 5,954 bias incidents documented in 2019. Of that number 1,311 were anti-Semitic. Jews make up less than 1% of the population. Therefore anti-Semitic incidents accounted for 22% of hate crimes recorded last year in the region.

Apple Facebook - Image Credit - The Ringer

Apple Restrictions on Ad Targeting Mean It’s Game On

Facebook wants to hear gaming companies’ concerns about Apple’s new mobile operating system. Apple’s iOS 14 update will limit the effectiveness of Facebook ads. Gaming companies reliant on Facebook ads may curb ad spending. This would include Google, Snap, and Twitter.