Woman dropped ice cream - oops, error

A Target On The Ice Cream Truck, What’s Next

With each headline or chyron across your TV screen, we wait for the next item or service that some Democrat wants to eliminate or restrict. I can envision these folks driving or walking the city streets, and rather than come up with a plan to get the homeless off the sidewalks, they are salivating about … Read more

So Predictable. Next Target is Religion

The Left is reading directly from the Marxist playbook on how to break down a Democracy as you transform your country into a Socialist or Communist government and society. The Left has proven to be very patient and methodical as they began phase one over a hundred years ago.

Richard Irvin

Dems Target Another Black Republican Candidate

The Democratic Party needs America’s racial minorities to vote for their candidates. It’s the foundation of their entire electoral strategy: Exploit white guilt by targeting college-educated white folks and preaching about privilege. Ensure loyalty from unionized blue-collar workers by bad-mouthing the wealthy and stirring up the envious emotions that accompany class warfare. Instill a sense … Read more

Joe Biden front page NYT original Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Biden Takes Shot at Crime, Misses Target

I am not sure Joe Biden ever shot a firearm, but these days, forget the bullseye, he cannot even hit the target. On Thursday, he met with Mayor Adams of New York City and addressed the leadership of the NYPD. The reason for the visit and address was to outline the President’s plan to attack … Read more

Hate incidents against Jews

The Most “Targeted” Population is Neither Muslim Nor LGBT …

Starting off the [Laconia Daily] Sun’s week I read that both columnist Jeff Robbins and writer Bruce Jenket have written about the growing threats against Jewish students and Jewish people in general here in the US. I may have written something on the subject myself in not so distant past.