Gun Confiscation Battle Could Pit National Guard Against Virginia County Militia

The incoming Democrat majority in the Virginia State legislature has stated intentions to pass gun control confiscation in January to address the Governor’s call for “common-sense public safety laws” — including universal background checks and bans on assault-style weapons and bump stocks. 75 Virginia counties pushed back and preemptively declared themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries in … Read more

National Guard plastic toy soldiers

Democrats Consider Using the National Guard to Enforce Gun Laws

The States as laboratories narrative is getting a test drive in Virginia. With no one to stop them, Democrats have put the accelerator on the left-win agenda to the floor. First up, epic gun-grabbing. But the locals are resisting, and some Democrats think, perhaps, the National Guard will need to help.

Anti-gun bills: Defense isn’t enough

As expected, Democrats have introduced a number of very anti-gun bills for the upcoming legislative session.  Republicans and Libertarians are are watching the bill texts be released, and are already rallying the troops for what will most likely be a repeat of last year:  some of those bills will pass (with party-line votes), all will … Read more

NH Constitution

Final and Part 6 – Testimony on behalf of HB564 – relative to possession of firearms in safe school zones

This is the last in the series: ********************** Conclusion: I have two last quotes and unfortunately, from your own actions, which I believe, summarizes the NH Democrat Party’s view of the Second Amendment State Senator Mary Ann Carlson (D-VT): “We must be able to arrest people before they commit crimes. By registering guns and knowing … Read more

What Motivates Our Transient Society

I have written on this subject on numerous occasions and have yet to find a valid answer to the question many of us ponder. Why do people migrate from a Blue state like New York, California, or Massachusetts to Red or Purple states like New Hampshire, Tennessee, or Florida? The obvious answer would be financial … Read more

crime-scene body outline murder dead

Murder is Good for their Politics

Interesting things happen when you embrace forced multi-culturalism with open borders, lawlessness, gang activity, depleted or stressed law enforcement, drugs, and Democrat control. More people end up dead.

Survival Sunday

First, I am merely an “enlightened amateur”.  Please vet & check on your own.  Caveat emptor.  Consider these to be priming the pump for your own investigations.

why they lie to you

Thoughts on Responding to Democrat Lies

The ability of Democrats to spew propaganda and get people to believe it amazes me. We need to be prepared to counter the brainwashing of rational people (the rest aren’t educable). The focus of Democrats’ lies changes over time.

God, America and our Constitution

God America and our Constitution … Punish Non-Believers?

God, America and our Constitution used to be worth voting for. In today’s society, reality is often a creation of the media from thin air. Elitist “thought leaders” develop a narrative. Big tech and the media push it. Yes, even if that narrative is false.  This gives the narrative a perception of being true.