Biden to Withdraw Horrific Anti-2A ATF Nominee David Chipman

According to reports, the Biden Administration will withdraw nominee David Chipman from consideration as the head of the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) department.

Chipman’s nomination had quite a bit of blowback from Republicans and even some Democrats, given his disgusting history as a gun control advocate. Chipman was a paid “policy advisor” for Gifford’s gun control organization and is openly anti-2nd Amendment.

During confirmation hearings, Chipman admitted he would call for an “assault weapon ban” but couldn’t actually describe or define what an “assault weapon” is within the context of the ban. He tried to claim that it would be whatever Congress defined it as.  As Chipman stumbled through the questioning, he claimed that the ATF defines “assault weapon” as “any semi-automatic rifle capable of accepting a detachable magazine above the caliber of .22, which would include a .223, which is, you know largely the AR-15 round.”

Senator Tom Cotton continued grilling Chipman, who couldn’t provide a straight or honest answer:

Chipman was also an ATF agent who participated in the Waco massacre of civilians at the hands of the federal government. From the Washington Examiner:

Chipman was indeed a case agent in the Waco siege of the Branch Davidian compound. The incident was a massacre of civil liberties and the rule of law, in addition to the 82 lives it ended unnecessarily. Rather than bring up credible sexual assault charges against cult leader David Koresh, who could easily have been arrested during his jogs around the compound and jaunts into town, the ATF staged a militarized and performative military action against American citizens.

Chipman has publicly defended and justified the Waco raid.

On top of all the above, Chipman was vocally anti-2nd Amendment and interprets it as follows:

The Second Amendment states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

While some interpret the term “well regulated” to mean “capable of fighting”, others argue that it means “controlled or supervised to conform to rules.”

Chipman also criticized Virginia Sheriffs in counties where the sheriffs decided they would not enforce draconian gun control laws and would be “Second Amendment sanctuary counties.” Chipman believes, as do all gun control advocates, that destroying the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens will somehow make Americans safer. Anyone with even two brain cells to rub together knows this is absolutely untrue. As with all gun control pushers, Chipman seeks to enable criminals while disarming innocent Americans, who would no longer be able to protect themselves from said criminals.

Tom Knighton of Bearing Arms just posted an article today that it’s “Time for Biden to Withdraw Chipman Nomination.” The irony is that the article was posted just a few hours before the reports came out that, indeed, the nomination will be withdrawn. Knighton notes that not only were there not enough votes to confirm Chipman, but Chipman’s comments accusing black agents of “cheating on an assessment” to get promoted came to light.

Maybe that’s the real reason the Biden Administration decided to withdraw Chipman’s nomination. The race-baiter-in-chief (continuing in the failed steps of Barack Hussein Obama) couldn’t possibly have nominated a racist, could he? Biden clearly cares little about the 2nd Amendment, even though his actual JOB is to PROTECT our rights. No one, who was an advisor for ANY gun control organization, should even be considered for the role to head the ATF.

Make no mistake. The next ATF nominee will be just as bad as Chipman only may not have been as vocal about their anti-2nd Amendment stance in the past. The Biden Administration is hell-bent on taking away as many of our freedoms as possible, no matter the cost to our lives.


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