Final and Part 6 – Testimony on behalf of HB564 – relative to possession of firearms in safe school zones

by Skip

This is the last in the series:



I have two last quotes and unfortunately, from your own actions, which I believe, summarizes the NH Democrat Party’s view of the Second Amendment

State Senator Mary Ann Carlson (D-VT):

“We must be able to arrest people before they commit crimes. By registering guns and knowing who has them we can do that. If they have guns they are pretty likely to commit a crime.”

California Lt. Governor (and now Governor) Gavin Newsom:

“We have a message for the NRA – National Rifle Association of America: If you hurt people, we ARE coming for your guns.” [via]

Well, at least this Progressive is open and honest about his intentions – he IS in favor of confiscation and every day I hear more and more Progressives like this.. The problem with him, and pretty much all of the Democrats that run California as a one-party State, is that they aren’t just singling out those that “hurt people”.

No matter which: outright confiscation or the equivalent of “death by a thousand legislative cuts”, the end goal seems the same. It is a concerted effort, here in NH and in every other purple or deep blue state, to restrict and infringe what is codified in the Second and Article 2-A. It also seems clear that Articles 4, 10, (and 23 may be called into play if this march continues) are being dismissed.

Lest I forget, how will you figure in Article 28-A into this as well with respect to enforcement? And will you be now risking Second Amendment Sanctuary towns and Cities as we have seen spreading across the nation in every State that acts like NH?

In every way possible, they and you are “infringing” on the right to keep and bear arms on people who are otherwise law abiding and peaceful. That also includes passing laws that would make felons of them, threatening their Liberty and Private Property, just because they bought and own guns, ammo, and accessories that were legal at the time of purchase.

EVERY anti-gun or gun limiting law this session is ALWAYS pronounced as “none infringing” on our right to keep and bear arms. Sorry, those that say this lie – must we always need to remind them and you that infringement means any diminishment of choice or action. Period.

This , my friends, is Totalitarianism written kinda slow.

We are regressing from the radical idea of the Founders that all free citizens are sovereign in our own right. Progressives seem to truly believe we must regress back to the time of the Divine Right of Kings to order us about like the serfs they truly believe we are. Serfs are subjects and must be controlled.

Now go back and reread some of those quotes above.

So what to do when those elected to lead our Government repudiate this foremost responsibility? To those that study political theory, Progressivism is nothing more than a euphemism for “Slow Communism” or, if you like, “Incremental Socialism” as today’s Democrats are acting like the British Fabian Socialists of post WWII. Communism is the result of a quick “BANG!” (in more ways than one) while incremental Socialism is the proverbial torquing up the water temperature under the frog.

How is that NOT Tyranny? Each and every of these Prime Examples (along with their Republican counterparts) show how little regard they have the for the Individual. If we cannot choose for ourselves, speak our minds, live our lives the way we wish to but instead, live our lives by how YOU decide, are we still the Land of the Free? I posit we are losing that state of being. This bill is just another slicing.

In this foreign political philosophy they call Progressivism (renamed from the Socialism found in the 1880s as Von Clauswitz was rolling up the Germanic City-States), Liberty does not exist for the Individual. Instead, Government is to be a throwback to the time when a select few ruled over the rest. Then it was the Nobility and Monarchies – exactly what our ancestors fled. Now, Progressives wish to resurrect that totalitarian milieu with them as rulers – but are openly afraid to admit it.

And then they wonder why the Right is fearful of their government? Of what you are doing? And you wonder why much talk is now centering on Article 10?

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

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