The same day Virginia elected Democrats into power in every corner of government; Democrats did what they do. They overreached. Rootin-Tootin, Maoist Gun grabbing Yahoos! The response from Virginian’s suggests they forgot to vote because the blowback is epic.
Almost every county in the state has declared itself a second amendment sanctuary. In response, Democrats suggested using the National Guard to disarm folks. They also added a quarter-million dollars to the correction budget to address an expected rise in the incarceration of (former) gun owners.
Gun owners are not the least bit intimidated. In fact, I’d guess that there are now more gun owners in Virginia than there were when Democrats took over state government.
“This is the largest Christmas and November, December that we’ve had, basically, since Trump has come on board. The only other person that was a better salesman right now is when we had President Obama,” said Jerry Rapp, owner of SpecDive Tactical, in Alexandria, comparing the administrations of President Trump and his White House predecessor, Barack Obama.
That’s one gun store, but I think we can predict the results at all the others. Sales are up. Way up. No one sells guns like Democrats yapping about new gun laws.
Rapp also said more people are paying in cash, a possible reaction to proposed federal legislation that would allow gun purchases to be tracked using credit card data — a bill that, while it seems unlikely to become law right now, is cause for concern for gun owners who see Second Amendment rights being challenged across the country and by presidential candidates.
Paying in cash is good. I do that for most, if not all, my self-defense tools. For this very reason. And cash is king. It’s good everywhere. Especially in places where the State is making unconstitutional leaps because they happen to have 50+1% to force their will upon the entirely of a population.