Second Amendment Sanctuary County

The Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement Comes to COOS COUNTY New Hampshire.

It is rather sad that a Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms (both the Second Amendment and Article 2-A) must be defended in this manner. But a tyrannical Government will never admit to being such – and it will always use phrases such as “common sense,” “safety and security,” “for the common good,” “keeping … Read more

Tenth Amendment

Tenth Amendment Sanctuary States

These don’t exist yet, but they need to. And New Hampshire should lead the way by becoming the first. The idea isn’t new. New Hampshire is one of several ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary’ states as of June 2022.  As of that date, the state is prohibited

Protect NH

Protect Our Second Amendment Rights [Link Fixed]

The New Hampshire Second Amendment Preservation Coalition presently consists of a small group of NH citizens and Second Amendment supporters who have felt a call to action to inform others of the impending threat of grossly restrictive firearms legislation and executive actions. These actions if passed would directly impinge on our US and NH rights … Read more

Virginia Richmond Rally

Are pro-Second Amendment supporters being set up?

Are pro-Second Amendment supporters are we being set up? A “conservative” Virginia state senator has sounded a warning. She is doing this three days before a massive rally is set to coalesce in the Richmond, Virginia, the commonwealth’s capital.

Concealed carry gun woman

The Number of Gun-Rights “Sanctuary Counties” in the U.S. Grows

We’ve struck this cord a few times in the past year. States with Democrat majorities passing gun-grabbing bills are running up against a wall of irony. Local police chiefs or sheriffs who refuse to enforce their unconstitutional laws.  They are declaring their jurisdictions sanctuaries for gun owners from their unconstitutional gun laws.


How About a Sanctuary City for Gun Rights?

The next great Supreme Court case on Gun rights may be brewing in an unusual place. The police chief in the city of Republic, Washington has stepped up to announce that recent unconstitutional laws passed by Washington State voters will not apply in his city as long as he’s the Chief. Related: Condoleeza Rice Tells The View: … Read more

Five Counties in Illinois Declare Sanctuary Status …For Gun Owners

This is a great idea. At least five counties recently passed resolutions declaring themselves sanctuary counties for gun owners — a reference to so-called sanctuary cities such as Chicago that don’t cooperate with aspects of federal immigration enforcement. And, naturally, the Democrats don’t much care for it.

2A To Keep and bear arms, amendment 2 photo by SteveM

Wecome to Militiagan!

No word yet on how the State has taken the news, but the town of Holton, Michigan, has declared itself a Second Amendment Sanctuary and authorizes a voluntary citizen militia to protect and defend that right and that of its citizens.