In the interest of slaying Left-Wing Tropes, we present this from Right Side Broadcasting. It is a short interview with an excited Trump supporter outside the SNHU Arena Wednesday night. She’s Vietnamese and has a message for us.
Last night Trump held his first campaign rally in New Hampshire since 2016. There were supporters who actually camped out in line overnight in order to get their choice of seats when the doors opened. The line getting into the arena was literally down Elm Street and around corners. It’s not quite clear where the … Read more
In the interest of slaying Left-Wing Tropes, we present this from Right Side Broadcasting. It is a short interview with an excited Trump supporter outside the SNHU Arena Wednesday night. She’s Vietnamese and has a message for us.
Skip, Kimberly, and I will all be on-site before and before and during the Trump Rally in Manchester. Taking pictures, doing interviews, and documenting the Presidents remarks.
If you drive by the SNHU Arena in Manchester right now, you’ll see that Trump supporters have already started lining up for his rally tomorrow night. These people started lining up more than 24 hours in advance of the rally. They are literally camping out and will definitely have their choice of seats when the … Read more
Manchester, NH Police Department: Expect Road Closures in the hours leading up to the President’s Rally this Thursday 8/15. Avoid downtown if possible. The Manchester Police are preparing for a rally at SNHU Arena for President Trump on Thursday, August 15, 2019. In coordination with Federal, State and other local assets, there are going to … Read more
I RECENTLY HAD the opportunity to go on a ride-along with the Manchester Police Department to gain first-hand insight into what our men and women in blue face each and every day. As a mother raising two young boys in our city, to say it was an eye-opening experience is an understatement. I spent an … Read more
Like everyone else, I am horrified – though not surprised – by the increasing epidemic of mass shootings. The blood spilled, the pain endured, the death of loved ones. Of course we want this to stop!
Predictably, Democrats are once again posturing to grab guns as a solution. There are at least three major reasons why this is dangerous, stupid, wrong-headed, and completely ineffective.
The momentum continues as our team grows and we amplify our efforts to reach out to voters throughout the city. This upcoming Saturday is an exciting day for our campaign as we officially open our campaign office. I truly hope you can join us for some light refreshments and then an afternoon of door-knocking as … Read more
We’ve promised some new and exciting things since the Springtime and we’re ready for ‘What’s next!’ We call them MicroGroks. And you are getting one soon!
This was sent in by a ‘Grok reader and I stared at it in horror. I can see a quick lunch being offered by the department…but a “banquet” and “prizes” worth thousands of dollars??? Reformatted, emphasis mine: My friend started a job working for the Manchester Cemetery maintenance department. Two weeks ago ,he was cutting the … Read more
Mayor Joyce Craig has done nothing to improve the quality of education in Manchester. As Chairman of the Board, she should have come in with a plan to improve the public schools in Manchester. Instead, she appears to be punting that authority to community organizers like Manchester Proud and the Nellie Mae Foundation. Both of … Read more
After Victoria had filed her candidacy paperwork at Manchester City Hall (“FIX THE CLOCK!“) and had addressed her supporters, I was able to get a bit of an interview with her. Go with me here – a bit of “non-interview” at first but I think it adds a bit as to her character.
If you’ve been paying any attention to the news at all in recent weeks, you’ve no doubt heard about the controversial subject of 3D printed guns. 3D printed guns are indeed exactly what they sound like: a gun that can be downloaded and assembled using a 3D printer and the right materials.
There is no question that the Kansas-Nebraska Act which dissolved the Missouri Compromise was the catalyst for the creation of the Republican Party. But its foundation firmly lays in the opposition of the single most reprehensible act in US history, slavery.