Warning to Wolfboro, Tuftonboro and Ossippe voters

Ann Marie Banfield

Voters should remember that Democrats voted overwhelmingly against parental rights this last legislative session. I’m not sure when our fundamental rights as parents became a partisan issue. Something happened that caused Democrats to stand squarely against parental rights.

Democrats do not consider due process in this decision either. When it comes to your child going off to school, you check your rights at the schoolhouse door. That message became loud and clear when proposed legislation supporting parental rights was opposed by Democrats serving in the New Hampshire House and Senate. When you go to the polls to vote in November, this needs to be something that you remember.

In Wolfeboro, Tuftonboro, and Ossipee, the Democrat candidate for the NH House supports background checks for parents who homeschool their children. Without any suggestion of abuse or neglect, Bobbi Boudman wants to force homeschool parents to undergo a background check. That seems absurd since these children are being raised by their parents.

Boudman is trying to unseat Representative Glenn Cordelli, the Vice Chairman of the House Education Committee. Cordelli has defeated her once, but she’s back again with her crazy ideas, like government control over homeschooling parents.

House Republicans killed a Democrat bill for this government intrusion on homeschool parents last year.

Democrats also killed a Constitutional amendment that said that “Parents have a fundamental right and responsibility to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their minor children.” What has happened to this political party? Parents are guilty before ever being charged.

Boudman would decimate school choice in New Hampshire by working to eliminate programs that help students leave their schools where they’ve been bullied.

We need representation in Concord by someone who represents all families in their district. This all out attack on homeschool families, and families who utilize other education options, needs to stop.

I’m a supporter of public schools in New Hampshire, and I know there are ways that we can improve public education. Instead of Democrats helping in this effort, they’ve done nothing to improve the public schools so families keep their kids in them. That’s unfortunate because I’d love to work with Republicans and Democrats on improving public education, but the Democrats seem unwilling to help in this effort.

Representative Glenn Cordelli has championed parental rights in New Hampshire. If he is not reelected, we will lose a valuable voice in the House.


  • Ann Marie Banfield

    Ann Marie Banfield has been researching education reform for over a decade and actively supports parental rights, literacy and academic excellence in k-12 schools. You can contact her at: banfieldannmarie@gmail.com

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