Guest Post- Jane Cormier: “Rep. Sullivan and Twitter – What a Team!”

twitter-logo-breakThe Democratic Attack Machine is officially in motion. Manchester Rep. Peter Sullivan’s recent attack on 2nd Congressional Candidate, Rep. Marilinda Garcia, Salem, is proof of that fact.  After Rep. Garcia threw her hat into the political ring against Annie Kuster, the silliness began – via Rep. Sullivan’s sexist comments regarding Rep. Garcia on Twitter.

@katbeep: She’s Al Baldasarro in stiletto heels, a lightweight and O’Brien clone
@PeterSullivan: Bill O’Brien + Kim Kardashian = Marilinda Garcia
@PeterSullivan: After careful consideration, I want to apologize to Kim Kardashian for comparing her to a right-wing extremist like Marilinda Garcia.

Dare I say, Rep. Sullivan watches WAY too much television? But, let’s look at some fact regarding Rep. Marilinda Garcia:

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New Hampshire House Democrat Respect & Civility Alert! – an update via interviews

And to a degree, an apology for this late update.  After Steve put up this post concerning the total LACK of Democrat civility by David Miller (D-Rochester):

Today’s Respect and Civility Award goes to David P. Miller D- Rochester.

He’s made it his mission to harass a Republican rep who sits near him because he disagrees with them on the right to carry a concealed weapon. Word has it that he was not at all respectful or civil after she spoke against amending a rule to ban firearms on the House floor and in the gallery. Witnesses report that he was rude and persistent. And it has been reported to me that he intends to harass this Republican Rep every day on this issue.

Well, we interviewed both NH State Rep Laura Jones (R-Strafford District 24) who observed the berating delivered by David Miller, and NH State Rep Jeanine Notter (R-Hillsborough District 21).

Skip’s interview with Laura Jones:

Steve’s interview with Jeanine Notter” on the jump:

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