By Kathy Holmes –
Editor’s note: Kathy paid to place the following as a full-page paid ad/editorial in the Pittsfield Post. The paper refused and refunded her money. Her response to the paper’s refusal can be read below.

Response to Rejection
I’m sorry to hear that. It presents a serious problem in that Donna Keely shared information on climate that is devoid of facts, and I was presenting facts. So not only did the OTHER side of the issue get a FREE voice and space, they censored facts that I was willing to pay for.
Also through innuendo she disparaged two representatives of your district. This is a triple injustice. Please let the committee know that whether you are a 501c or some other institution that has been granted rights to operate, if not corrected, I will need to expose the actions of the Pittsfield Post to various news sources around NH. I’m happy to give you a few days to talk this critical decision over amongst yourselves before I take any further action . Thank you and I’m hoping we can arrive at the right decision together.